Transparent -- A Spider's View

Carmi, at Written Inc, chose "Transparent" as this weeks Thematic Photograph challenge.

He asks:
"Why transparent?" Because we often see more when we see through something. We often see something different than we initially expected. We're often surprised. Pleasantly, even. And we all need a little more pleasant, right?

Some months ago as WR and I ate lunch at a small vegan cafe in the valley, we sat next to an old 50's style block window. I could not take my eyes off the view that it multiplied for me.

I thought out loud to my husband, "This must be what a spider sees!"

Carmi's topic made me think of that day and the fact that I always carry my point and shoot camera in my purse.

Sure enough, a search of my files revealed this transparent Spider's View of the World!

There are others who explored the theme with Carmi this week. Make sure you get your "eyes" over there to look through them.


Mamie said…
This is a very intriguing photograph. It begs close inspection! I too carry a small camera in my purse--one never knows when a shot might present itself. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
karisma said…
Cool! I do believe flies see like that too! We have a little spy glass thingy that the kids have tried to check it out for themselves.

PS. I also carry a small camera around in my purse! Must be catching!
that is waaaaaay cool!
Anonymous said…
thanks for stopping by - I love this!

darkfoam said…
great theme ..
reckon i fly sees like that too?
sort of?
Anonymous said…
It's just plain smart to keep your point & shoot with you; but I stopped. Get the reason why: I lost the link cord to upload pictures! But, it's sad how many times I've said, "I NEED MY CAMERA" for times such as this one.

Love your perspective, Spider Woman, and it's a perfect addition to Carmi's theme this week!
Shelby said…
Your soul came out in this writing of your thoughts while in the little cafe looking through the block window.

Spectacular you are.
Daryl said…
What a clever way to meet the 'specs' of Carmi's theme .. thanks for the visit ... I am off to shoot something just for this theme ... that said I suspect it wont happen, planned shot in my experience never work as well as those I stumble into...
Mojo said…

I really need to get a point-and-shoot backup for me DLSR, just for situations like this one. But right now it's just not in the budget.

Excellent job!
momemts in time said…
Intriguing... and well seen.

I enjoy the concept of patterns in images, whether natural or designed as in these blocks...

Besides your P&S camera did you also keep a red car in your purse? ~ Remove the car and it would lose a lot.
LadyStyx said…
Any creature with a compound eye probably sees things like this. Very interesting photo.
Tammy said…
Very cool image...
(but I'm glad I'm not a spider or fly...a little dizzy now...) ;)
kitten said…
How cool! I love how your mind works!
A Spot of T said…
Spiders are nasty. But if this is what they see then this is pretty cool!
Christy Woolum said…
I love this photo. It is perfect for the theme.
Ingrid said…
That looks strange ! nice photo !
A great shot! I'm glad you had your camera with you that day :)
Barbara said…
Very cool shot! I love the collage effect!
Merle said…
Hi Pamela ~~ Interesting photo and idea. Glad you liked the story of the Art Auction. Take care, Love, Merle
Attie said…
h isn't that interesting!!
Unknown said…
It does seem like what a spider would see!

You mean so much to me! Thank you SO much for all your encouragement!
C... said…
This is cool!
Anonymous said…
hey nice photo.
I'm very glad I don't look at one spider and see multiple spiders!
Anonymous said…
Fun image...shall I just call you Spider Woman now? ;)
Anonymous said…
getting dusty waiting for your next post. cough cough!
Amanda said…
I'm trying to figure out where this picture was taken...............

Nice shot though. Eww, spiders give me the heebies.
Wendster said…
Way way cool.

Excellent insight.

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