Busy Week

My husband has influenza. No, he did not get the immunization. He has developed bronchitis, sinus infection, and problems with his Eustachian tubes. Miserable is the best description for him right now. I can hear the high pitch wheeze with his every breath -- the sound of a distant ATV screamin' up a steep hill.

Early tomorrow morning I should be on my way to Spokane. My brother is scheduled for triple by-pass surgery. Nick lost his wife to breast cancer in late September. So, his support group would be his only daughter. With me there, at least she won't have to sit and wait alone. Sacred Heart Medical Center is a wonderful place of healing. He will be given the best of care.

Great Auntie-Fern will celebrate her 100th on Friday. I am the co-host of the 2 1/2 hour open house at her retirement center on Saturday. She was very sick for three weeks in February, but is much better and back to her old self. Pun intended. I took control of her daily medications, the results of which pleased her physician very much.

Some days my sister-in-law with Alzheimer's requires more attention. Her prescriptions and doctor appointments are also under my supervision. We recognize that she does much better with her own routine in a familiar setting.

My interview yesterday with the local CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) went well - I am now an official volunteer. With that in mind, I want to remind you that April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. If any of you have the time and the desire to advocate for a child, please contact your local CASA . The national web site is HERE if you are not acquainted with the organization.

I still need to find a part time job ~~ which, with the economic gloom & doom news each day, appears to be a much more difficult task than any of my others. (Do I have volunteers to write letters of recommendation? Smiles.)

PS. I probably won't be posting until I get on the other side of my brother's hospital release and the big birthday bash.


Jenni said…
Happy birthday to Auntie Fern! I hope the rest of your family is feeling better soon. They are so fortunate to have you, Pamela.
heather said…
Sounds overwhelming, Pam. I just said a prayer for you, your brother, and your sister.
darkfoam said…
you have a bit of a full plate with caregiving. seems you already have a job. here's to a speedy recovery for your husband. best of luck to your brother .. and a big happy birthday to
your great auntie ..
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you already work too hard as it is, Pamela! Sending positive thoughts to you and your family - good luck to your brother for his surgery.
C... said…
what a busy life you have. I hope all goes well with the bypass. I was planning to volunteer with CASA here in Georgia - how cool that you do!! Thanks for caring about kids.
kitten said…
Sending big hugs your way! Also, I have a little something at my blog to add a little Sun Shine in your day!
Carla said…
Good luck with it all. You do sound busy indeed.
LadyStyx said…
Sounds like you're gonna be very busy. Make sure to carve some time out for yourself too.
Claudia said…
It sounds like you really have your hands full! I don't know how you do it. I hope everyone pulls through quickly!!
good grief!!! that's a lot on your plate.

take care of yourself too in all of that ...
karisma said…
Hugs! Sounds like you are keeping busy as usual. So much to do, so little time. Me I am shaking my head and wishing I could win the lottery or maybe leave home and get a job. DD1 had a car accident today, first one but costing us of course. She has no job and is in full time school! Bugger! Her car/ their car???? Too much money!!! Damn rain!!!
Ingrid said…
Besides the fact that aunt Fern celebrates her 100th birthday, you are not really spoiled for the moment with all these bad things !
Try to make money on your blog, a lot of people do this. I once read on a blog (I don't remember where) that the woman gave up her job and only did blogging for advertising and earned around 1000 $ per months ! not bad and true!
This is NOT a 1st of April joke !
DesLily said…
I hope all goes well for your brother. I am happy to say bypasses generally go well! Even my brother who had a quadrople bypass some years ago made it thru and he had many complications such as diabetes and blood pressure issues.. it's amazing what they do! I sure know how you must be feeling though.. and there's nothing like the relief of when it's all over! hugs.
Kim said…
Goodness gracious, Pamela, you don't have time for a schnauzer!

What a wonderful way you spend your time. I want to grow up to be just like you someday.

I'm sending my good thoughts your way for all you have coming. Fingers crossed that all goes well.

Take care my cyber friend.
Sabrina said…
Wow, you are busy. Keeping your family in my thoughts!
ChrisB said…
Gosh you do have a lot on your plate at the moment. Do hope your hubby feels better soon and your brother's by-pass surgery goes well. Also that GA-Fern has a wonderful birthday.

Your SIL is in good kind hands, and I know how much responsibility this involves.

Glad to hear you are now an official CASA volunteer. Hope a suitable job comes your way soon.

Will have your family in my thoughts until you post again take care and don't over do it. x
jenniejucie said…
Not sure if you got the email,but Aunt Fay is having cardiac stents in today as well.
Carole Burant said…
Oh dear, you certainly have been very busy with everything going on and your care needed here and there but how very blessed your family is to have you. xoxo
Helene said…
Gosh you have a lot going on dontcha!?! I hope hubby is better, hbd to Auntie, and good luck with your brother and the job hunt! YIKES... you need a vacation!
Vicki said…
I think of you often and content of the emails we share. I will continue to pray.

I encourage you to find a small way to be creative and even just 15 minues for yourself. Sketch a stranger or a table.

I look forward to hearing your praise report.
Ms. Kathleen said…
Wow, you have been busy... Take care of yourself and it is fantastic you are a CASA volunteer... Kids need people like you. Have a safe trip! Hugs!
Shelby said…
oh my goodness.. you are the caretaker of the week.. good luck with your loved one's surgery and happy birthday to Auntie Fern and congrats on the new volunteer gig..that'll be grand.

do keep us posted on how everyone is.. take care of yourself too. rest and drink plenty of water and eat some protein. take a good book or two for the waiting room.. and take lots of pictures at Auntie Fern's party.
Anonymous said…
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Jennifer said…
wow...you sound busy. Is there anything on the planet worse than a sick husband????
Alison said…
you have a lot going on right now...don't forget to take care of yourself in the process. I hope your brother's surgery goes well and that your husband is better soon, and that Aunt Fern has a great party....please take care of yourself Pam.
Amanda said…
Well CONGRATS on getting in to the CASA stuff!! I know you really wanted to do it!! I hear Uncle Nick required a 4th bypass. Wow. I'm glad you were there as a support system. Looking forward to the party this weekend. LOVE YOU
Anonymous said…
Wow...I think you already have a part time job as a support person. Hope your brother is doing well...and good luck on all the other things that you are doing.
Junebug said…
Sending prayers your way!! I hope your brother and husband get well soon or even sooner!! That's why we're called the Sooners!
Attie said…
You and your family..In my thoughts and prayers. Yre so helpful to them and I bet He will be so glad you are there!! Hope hubby is feeling much better too!!
And my oohh my where on earth would you fit a job in??? blessings!!
Unknown said…
You do have a lot going on this week! Healing vibes being sent to you husband and brother! Go Auntie Fern! Hope she has a great party!!
Gaynor said…
Thinking of you Pam and hoping all goes well. It seems you have a lot on your plate at the moment. Love, Gaynor
Kila said…
I hope you had safe travels, things are going well for your brother, and the party is grand. Whew.

I'd definitely write a letter of recommendation for you ;)
Susie said…
Your plate is filled to overflowing.
Once we retired, I wondered how I had ever had time to work as the hours just fill themselves!
Hope your hubby feels better and that your brother's surgery is successful.
Also Happy Birthday to your Aunt Fern. Glad she's feeling better :)
dawn said…
Wow, you are starting to sound as busy as me with all the people you care for. I didn't read the posts in order, so commented on a later post that my sister's birthday is the same as Auntie Fern's but really my sisters is the 5th.

We are dealing with Sirdar's parents and their age. It looks like his dad is going to make the decision to move without Mom's blessing. She is starting Alzheimer's (we think) and it is getting to be really tough on Sirdar's dad. Sirdar is looking into housing now. Sirdar is still looking after his aunt's affairs. She is 91. Her (and Sirdar's dad's) mom lived to 101, so it could be a few more years yet of weekly needs.

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