Thematic Photographic 36 - Up

The past two months have been very busy with things I had no idea would fall into my area of influence.

So, this morning when I had an opportunity to take a long walk on the creek I decided to keep my eyes lifted up. I needed lifting up - and I hoped to find something to post for Carmi's Thematic Photo meme at Written Inc.

My hope to find a mountain bluebird was not sated; But I was not disappointed. There were some other birds who availed themselves to my trusty little point and shoot.

UP on the telephone pole: Red Tailed Hawk

UP in the sky above the lake: A Bald Eagle

UP above the soggy ground where he'd been searching for lunch: A Robin.

Up in the tips of a Juniper that provides its food and shelter: A Townsend Solitaire.

It really is an UP day today.

UP your blog today, and join in the fun over at Carmi's.

Bet that caught your attention


Mojo said…
Awesome shot of the red tail! I was recently privileged to watch such a bird being released into the wild after a stay at the bird hospital. But it's not just the bird, that whole composition is wonderful! And you managed to get great contrast with a less-than-great sky for a background. Quite an accomplishment.

Never heard of a Townsend Solitaire before... I would have guessed it was the latest creation from deBeers or something if I'd heard it out of context.
karisma said…
Beautiful birds! What a wonderful walk!
Anonymous said…
Great shots, I like the last one best. Sounds like a nice walk. I find if I go for a walk and look UP too much I end up falling DOWN flat on my face :)
Unknown said…
These are great shots. The red-tailed hawk is quite a catch and beautifully done. And the last picture is perfect to my eye.

Thank you for visiting my blog for Thematic.
Anonymous said…
Great photos, birds are such a good subject, if you can catch them being still long enough.
Unknown said…
Hey those are great! Your trusty little point and shoot did not let you down! :)
Shelby said…
I would love to see a bald eagle. That would make my year I do believe.
Anonymous said…
What amazes me is that you know what those bird are!! Ok...I knew a couple of them, but not the full names.
Gattina said…
You were lucky ! Very nice pictures ! when I put my nose up to the sky I only see grey and my face becomes wet. No birds around, I think they all moved to a better clima. Even my cats are disappointed that they can't watch them.
Tillybud said…
Your robin's are so big compared to our little version! On my walk the brook had flooded and all the ducks were having a party - or at least that's how it looked to me!
Jeanette said…
gday Pamela,, Lovely photo's of the birds on your walk.. I hope they were very uplifting for you .
Jennifer said…
wow, the robin is really anticlimactic after the first two....
Anonymous said…
as always, wonderful photos!
Mo said…
Enjoyed my visit to your site. Nice pictures! thanks for posting.
Hayden said…
wonderful, just wonderful. 'up-lifting' just to see the pics...
Jenni said…
Very nice, Pamela! I always have a hard time getting bird shots because I don't have a telephoto lens and I tend to scare them away.

Na and I saw a bald eagle at the end of our road last weekend, but we were on our way to the basketball game and didn't have any time to stop. I think that's the first I've seen out near our house. We see lots of red tailed hawks sitting close to the road on fence posts or telephone posts, and I think I could probably get photos of them if I ever had my camera with me when I see them. Wednesday I did try to snap a few photos of the great blue heron that lives just across the river--as it flapped away. Someday maybe I'll get some good bird photos, but for now I just feel privileged to get to see them so often.
Anonymous said…
i love birds and cant wait to have a place where we see more than the odd robin again
Wendster said…
I didn't know you could see bald eagles in Washington!!! I knew you could see them in the San Juan Islands ... but didn't know YOU were so fortunate.

Nice photos, too.

Makes me miss working in Yellowstone National Park. We saw so many wonderful animals and such BEAUTY.

Wendster said…
p.s. Loved your slide show and commented on it, too. And on that quiz, which I sucked at. ha.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tammy said…
Wow, you got some great shots! I would love to get into photography...maybe even take a class. Of course, I'd have to actually buy another camera...all I have is my little basic digital.

BTW, my girls and I love bird watching!
bichonpawz said…
Great looking bird shots! And all in one walk! I am very impressed!!
Attie said…
OOHHe your bird photos
A Spot of T said…
I need to get out and walk more. A person forgets all the goodness they can see while out for those walks. The photos are great, I especially like the first one of the Red Tailed Hawk. Such a pretty bird.
Betty said…
Beautiful pictures, Pamela. You must have one of those nice cameras with a great zoom on it to be able to get these close-up shots.
Susie said…
I enjoyed seeing all the birds you photographed on your walk!
It looks like it was a lovely day with blue skies....
Happy Valentine's Day!
Christy Woolum said…
I saw a beautiful woodpecker at our feeder this morning, but I knew as soon as i opened the slider, the dogs would run out and he would fly away. My window was too dirty to take a picture through it!
MarmiteToasty said…
We would call you a Twitter over here, meaning a bird watcher lol..... what a great walk with so much to see, do you know that English Robins look nuffin like your Robins......

Anonymous said…
Those photos are right UP there with your other ones. The first one reminded me of my nautical ones from the weekend.

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