Fun Monday - Whats cha readin?

This week, Angela of The Lurchers, asked Fun Monday participants:
What book are you reading now. What's it about? Are you enjoying it and why? If not, why not?

The question pushed me into finally picking up the book WR purchased after seeing the author on Good Morning America.

I was reluctant to read the book because I don't like sad endings - and this one begins with a sad ending.

Dana Canedy wrote "A Journal for Jordan" to her young son after his father was killed in Iraq. An improvised explosive device detonated under the Humvee in which First Sergeant Charles Monroe King was riding. Jordan was only seven months old.

She'd given Charles a journal soon after the baby was born, never expecting him to write more than a few words on occasion. Instead, he wrote over two hundred pages for his son "in case" he didn't make it home from the war.

In this book Canedy highlights Charles letters within her own version of their love story and how Jordan became a part of it.

I was touched by the advice he left for his son in regards to his mother, grandmother, and aunts:

All of these women embody the reasons you should never, ever disrespect or lay your hand against a woman. Remember who taught you to speak, to walk, and to be a gentlemen. These are your first teachers, my little prince. Protect them, embrace them, and always treat them like a queen.

Canedy included these words in the chapter that chronicled the day of Jordan's birth. She was surrounded that day by these women who would play such an important part in her son's life.

Yes - this book is well written and I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I would.

* * * * *

Find out what everyone else is reading over at The Lurchers.

** late amendment. I forgot to include my book to take if stranded on a desert island. Well - that is a no brainer: How to Survive in The Wilderness as You Travel.

Can we take along MacGyver?


Sayre said…
I had tears start in my eyes just reading your description. It sounds like a wonderful book - one that I will seek out. Thanks!
Sarah said…
Sounds like an amazing book, what a touching story. I hope you continue to enjoy it more than you expect.
Jenni said…
If that description and excerpt are any indication, I don't know if I could make it through the book. Now where is that box of Kleenex?
~moe~ said…
That sounds like a great book. I'm totally going to look that one up. Thank you.
Gattina said…
Sounds a very interesting book !
and when I read the advice I wonder how it is possible that the world is ruled by men, as we women have the education in our hands first ??

But what do you take on an island in case your ship sinks ? A survival book or Robinson Crusoe ? Or you are an optimist and you think your ship will never sink ?
That sounds an amazingly tear-jearking book - I think I might look that one up.
Gattina said…
Somebody suggested George Clooney, he is more my type and certainly better than a book on an island !
Susie said…
Sounds like a good read! I'll see if I can reserve it..
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a beautiful book. I'll have to add it to my book list.
Betty said…
I wouldn't be able to participate this week as I'm not reading any book and haven't for quite some time.
Anonymous said…
I want to read it too.
The Journal sounds like a very thoughtful book, I hope you enjoy it. And you're practical like me and I love that you want to bring MacGyver along... who else would build that mobile phone out of banana leaves and sand?
Jan said…
Yew, you can take along MacGyver.
Hootin Anni said…
I think I'd [no, certain] be bawling reading his letters that she composed for the book. Wow...I can only imagine the turmoil and yet pride of what she's accomplished with the loving memoir/journal. Amazing.

Thanks for stopping by today.
Ms. Kathleen said…
I am sorry to say I am reading a rather silly book called Me and Mr. Darcy. It is funny, silly, stupid, a little romantic, a little witty - obviously based a bit on P&P and I'll finish it. I am waiting for the book I won from Bev to arrive ...
Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

After that, we'll see. I'm always reading something ☺
Living Life said…
That really sounds like a great book. I like true stories, so I may have to look into this one.
Sandy said…
Thanks for this post, Pamela. I had not picked up this book as I feared it would be maudlin. It's nice to know that it's not and I will check it out of the library this week.

Simone said…
What a lucky boy Jordan is to have had such a wonderful father. Like others who have commented here, I'd probably cry my way through this book too.
Anonymous said…
I love that quote. Thanks for sharing it. It is wonderful when a man teaches his son such things. I have been blessed in my home.
Unknown said…
MacGyver sounds like a great thing to take!

Starts with a sad ending? I don't think I could read it, then again I read the Lovely Bones.
Tammy said…
I agree with the first one who replied...I got a lump in my throat just reading what you wrote about this book...

Since I'm not joining in here with Fun Monday, I'll just say that I'm reading several books at once...but very, very slowly. I don't much time to read but sometimes take a book during the girls' of the books I'm reading is Marley and funny right now! :)
Molly said…
Although the ending is sad, having a journal from his father has to be a blessing especially with the wonderful things that the journal included
Desert Songbird said…
What an incredible gift this father left for his son. Amazing.
ChrisB said…
What a wonderful quote from a father to his son (sniff). This journal will be a treasure as he grows older.

I'll remember to get stranded with you as you'll have all the tips for surviving. LOL

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