There is a place called Zimbabwe

This will be at the top of the page as a sticky note for two weeks.
One of my new friends is a little girl, a toddler, named Mozi Esmé. I mentioned her on my blog after I read her post about her daddy helping in an orphanage in Zimbabwe.
She and her mommy are having a two-week special on their blog so that more people will be aware of the things that are happening there. Please... go visit them and learn more about what is happening to the people of Zimbabwe.

Visit them by clicking on Operation Love Zimbabwe in my side bar.

PS. she's also having some give aways.


Anonymous said…
I will certainly head over that way.

Also, thanks for the song you left at my is now stuck in my head.
Anonymous said…
I will go and check it out right away!
Attie said…
I will have to check it out.
and cute video!! I think he so said that!!
Junebug said…
I posted it on my blog too. Thank you.
Unknown said…
I'll pop over and look. :)
ChrisB said…
I remember the first post- must take another look.
Anonymous said…
It is so sad what people endure in other countries.
C... said…
Thanks! I will check it out.
Wendster said…
I will definitely be clicking on that link. :) Thanks for the welcome back!
Anonymous said…
Looks good Pamela. Is it depressing? I need to know how many boxes of Kleenex to pick-up.
Anonymous said…
When I was at the Pampers Event they had a Unicef Rep talking about all the work they're doing in Zimbabwe. It's so sad that people have to live like that.
Anonymous said…
I went to Zimbabwe for two weeks, that was back then and it was such a nice place then. My room mate in college (in South Africa) was a Zimbabwean, I lost touch with her but I think about her a lot. Thanks for the link Pamela
Anonymous said…
The people of Zimbabwe are often on my mind.
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela.. ill go check out Zimbabwe now.....
newwine said…
WOW, another person who cares about Zimbabwe! An entire branch of my family used to live there and now lives in the UK. do you know Eddie Cross's website - he lives in Zim & writes about what is going on. I will come back and leave the link in a comment.
God bless you for caring!
newwine said…
here is the link to his page
sallywrites said…
Oh Well done you for bringing it to our attention.
M@ said…
They shouldn't have dispossessed the white farmers who knew how to farm. Big mistake.

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