WW: Olympic Diving Gold Mudal

(Well, Future mudalist. In Grandpa's Garden, no less!)

Join the Wordless Wednesday gang h.e.r.e!


Carla said…
Fabulous picture. How precious.
catsynth said…
Inventing a new sport for the future Olympics?
MYM said…
Oh man, that's a great photo! Makes me wanna be a kid again. I remember summer days like that!
Clarence said…
Summertimes great for the kids, hey? They have gorgeous ginger hair, especially the little one! :)
Anonymous said…
mydalist - hehe I would have been a top contender for a mudalist as a kid. (I even came home with inch worms in my hair a few times)
smarmoofus said…
I haven't squished my toes in mud in so long. Maybe I should do that. What a cute picture!

Happy WW!
CK Ng said…
Maybe this is a start for the Olympic mud-diving! Haha! :D Happy WW!
Ryanne said…
maybe soon they will move up to a bigger diving pool! great capture and caption!
Firefighter said…
Priceless! Great post, fits in with the games and summer fun.
Wendster said…
Did they happen to mudder(mutter) while they were out there?

Great photo. Love the reflected leg in the shiny brick walkway.
Anonymous said…
wonderful and precious shot!
Rizza said…
lovely photo! it's really nice being kids :D
Anonymous said…
"Mudalist" LOL. Good one, Pamela.
very creative and cute as well

My WW is up
My Little Drummer Boys
SHIELA said…
a picture to treasure forever. Very nice shot.

Happy Wednesday!
ChrisB said…
Hi Pamela I can see there is a lot of fun in your garden. Lovely photo
Anonymous said…
looks like they are having a good time.
Jim said…
Hi Pamela, this is cute! I can see they are in training for another medal still. :-)
Happy WW, thank you for peeking in and for your clever comment. I find dogs sleeping everywhere.
Anonymous said…
Your "words" completed a darlin' picture. Nice touch (but that water looks ICKY!).

Good one Pam. Too special for many words.
Hehe, cute! Definitely the next big Olympic Sport right there!

Happy WW :)
JoeinVegas said…
Sorry, no medal there. A marvelous stance, but very poor mud coverage.
Kim said…
Adorable. That hair is gorgeous! And the little legs -- I miss my kids looking that way. Sometimes it's too bad they have to grow up. Great pic.
Coffeypot said…
Those were the days. SIGH!
You are so punny! I love it! What a cute shot. :D
Unknown said…
Two little girls having muddy fun and creating a new sport, how exciting!
Anonymous said…
We have a tie for the gold!
Carole Burant said…
Awww such a darling picture. Well, that's how our Olympians started, you know! hehe xoxo
Anonymous said…
Love it!
My sister and I used to have Olympic competitions in our backyard. The high jump (who could jump from the tallest stair), the dash (the length of the backyard), and the floor exercise (held in our living room--the couch was inbounds, of course).
storyteller said…
I’m anything BUT wordless today at Small Reflections … but your title grabbed my attention I love this wonderful photo! I just wanted to let you know. Hope you’re having a lovely day.
Hugs and blessings,
Amanda said…
They had SO much fun out there. Hope Grandpa lets them come back!!
Marsha said…
Medalists in training! Adorable shot! A memory to be treasured!
Vered said…
They are seriously sweet.

Carletta said…
OH, that's cute.
Future mudalist - adorable thought. I love their strawberry blond hair!!

Haven't the Olympics been great!
Anonymous said…
Tips to be number one in Seo challengeBusby Seo Challenge
Mojo said…
Talk about sticking your landing!
Cute shot!
I'm up! Happy WW
Anonymous said…
Yes, a gold medal at that!! Too cute..Happy WW!!
Susie said…
Your two mudalists are adorable :)
Anonymous said…
Buttercup says I really Love Mud and I really like cookies too.
Anonymous said…
The Swampwitch gives them a "10."
Michelle said…
what fun!!! happy ww.
BlondeBlogger said…
Hahahaha...gold medal for the most fun!
Wendster said…
I think I had a sun suit like that.
Beccy said…
I love that photo.
Great photo! It's nice to see kids entertaining themselves like we used to when we were little.
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela.. two cute Mudalists love the new word you invented...hehehehe
karisma said…
Ooooh! Squelchy Squishy fun! Just divine, move over girls Aunty Karisma is coming in!
kitten said…
I remember those days! They were fun!
Anonymous said…
Very precious photo Pamela!

What more fun do you need than a garden hose, a bucket and grandpa's garden!

Perfect caption! :)
Alison said…
very cute and I love their hair..it is gorgeous!!
M@ said…
Oh, Pam. You and your puns.
LOVE the photo :-) Mudalists are the BEST! We have Olympic fever too!
MarmiteToasty said…
That is just TOO DAM CUTE lmfao....

Walker said…
Combine that with your goldfish and you have a new pedicure therapy. Charge $100 a pop.
Attie said…
OOHh how cute!!
Betty said…
Cute grandchildren, and they look like they are having so much fun.
Kelly Curtis said…
So cute! My mom hosted an Olympic event in her garden for the kids yesterday - it was "who can deadhead the most flowers?" She said the winner did 800. I think she may have been exaggerating a bit;)
Anonymous said…
Great photo. They are quite engaged in their activity.
Susie Q said…
That was the smile I needed today!!
Christy Woolum said…
What a priceless picture of the grandchildren. Always mud right?
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Nice Tip for your new futureKabonfootprint
Anonymous said…
yeah they are good kiddie olympian someday

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