Wordless Wednesday - Olympic Gold Swimmers


Pamela said…
Well -- I should have shortened that silly video down to about 10 seconds!!
Wow -- they are naturals. They swim like fish. Oh...wait. ;) LOL
Anonymous said…
lol here fishy fishy fishy.... thanks for stopping by my blog, happy WW!!
Michelle said…
What a great video.They're beautiful fish :) thanks for your sweet comments.
BizyBee said…
Goregous fishies =) Thank you for you kind comment!
amanda said…
I got a real surprise viewing that. I was expecting a video of people :)
Clarence said…
Wow, they love their food, don't they!
Vered said…
Amazing! I LOVE it!
Anonymous said…
Well, they made short work of that meal, didn't they?!

Kristin said…
Oh my gsoh the comment here are too funny! I got a giggle. It's cute that's all I can say..
Carletta said…
How clever! The sound of the water is awesome.
Happy WW!

Thanks for dropping by and seeing my quilt barns.
Anonymous said…
Very beautiful! This pond deserves a gold metal or at least a blue ribbon!
Anonymous said…
They're the real olympic gold swimmers indeed! :-)

You've got a lovely pond. And the fish are just colorful and adorable.
Anonymous said…
and the winner is the fish on the left, no wait the one on the right or maybe the one in the middle.........guess they are all winners
MiLeT said…
i called my 2 year old daughter to show her your video. she was amused. she was saying hi fishy and then when the vid ended, she said bye fish.

thanks for visiting my blog and looking for the missing alphabet. lol.
EG CameraGirl said…
Isn't it amazing how fast fish can swpim when they recognize food? ;-)
Ryanne said…
I wonder who won? great caption on that one! Thanks for stopping be to see me lightning. I do hope you have a great week!
SHIELA said…
They are indeed the olympic gold swimmer :) So quick and fast esp. when there is food.

Happy Wednesday!
karisma said…
Well that was very entertaining! Koi seem to be the same no matter which country they live in, greedy buggers!

Or should I say Bwa Ha? Your Bwa ha ha always cracks me up. Do you actually laugh with a BW in front????
Mojo said…
What a coincidence. My Tuesday Edition WW had a very similar theme. Don't know if you saw that one or not.
Thanks for stopping by!
Anonymous said…
Tee-hee...very clever! Happy WW...
Shannon said…
Lovely fish. I dream of someday having my own koi pond in my own garden. In the meantime I live vicariously through others. Thanks for stopping by cyberbones.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE your yard!!

Would you please come do mine?

(Oh, and Bethy says, "Pish!! Pish!! I"na pish!"
Anonymous said…
Wonderful! Michael Phelps watch out!
Anonymous said…
Yes, but do they synchronize dive too?
carrie said…
That was cool!
Anonymous said…
LOL, my boys would enjoy this.

Why is it that watching fish swim is so relaxing?
Anonymous said…
Personally I think you should have made it longer. I love the sound of water :o) Those fish reminded me of what it's like at meal time in the T home.
Anonymous said…
I love garden ponds with fish. Especially when they have waterfalls!
Anonymous said…
My cat is a big fan of this video, too!

I hope he doesn't put a claw into my laptop screen, when we watch it again...

Thanks, Pamela!
Raven said…
Love the title. They polished that stuff off in short order. Did any of them break a world record?
MattM3 said…
I love koi. Great video. Thanks!
Desert Songbird said…
Lovely pond and fountain, but I'm not sure even throwing in food could make Michael Phelps swim any better or faster!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful koi and pond, Pamela.

I got all excited when I saw your title, I thought I'd find a photo of Michael Phelps. *wink* Clever title.

Beside being Olympic swimmers, they would win the gold at an eating contest as well!!
Anonymous said…
What beautiful koi, and what a clever title! Thanks for visiting TeaReads.
Marsha said…
There's never a fishing pole handy when you need one! (grin)

Cute post! The pond and the fish are beautiful!

I'm late but finally have my WW post up for today. Please stop by if you get a chance!

Just Some Thoughts
Betty said…
Love the pictures, Pamela, and especially love the title you gave it. Nice job.
MarmiteToasty said…
You need a little sitting gnome with a fishing rod LOL

storyteller said…
Fun (and timely) wordless post today ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
M@ said…

My mother built a gold fish pond that looked almost exactly like that. At one point, we had two small kittens eying the fish as they fed....
Anonymous said…
fine swimmers!!
Gabriel said…
That was unexpected... and funny!

Thanks for dropping by.
Junebug said…
I loved it and you should have made it longer. Like Joy said the sound of water is lovely and the fish are beautiful. Great video!
Jim said…
Hi Pamela, this is almost as good as a Texas pig race! Thank you.
I hope your WW was happy, thank you for visiting mine.
The lady at the bar was thinking one bike when and where she left it. Now there are oodles of bikes and she has been drinking wine. I hope she can find hers (and is able to ride it home).
tigerfish said…
Great sense of humor! BTW, which one is Phelps? :P
Unknown said…
Cute! I wish I had them in my yard! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!
eastcoastlife said…
I was expecting Competitors in the Olympics! Cry foul! :)
Walker said…
Hey do you have any trouble with herons fishing out your pond?
Anonymous said…
There's something sparkly for you at my place!
Becki said…
How very calming!!
Carole Burant said…
They must be so much fun to watch:-) I love hearing the water running and you're making me want my own pond even more!!! lol xoxo
Alison said…
that is great!!! can you train them to synchronize swim??
Anonymous said…
That's quite a little frenzy! The sound of the bubbling water made me want to curl up and take a nap.
Anonymous said…
Don't you feed those fish? They look starved;-). I love the sound of the water. You have a beautiful pond and it probably doesn't smell as bad as ours.
Unknown said…
Now that there is my kind of Olympics. :)
Tammy said…
They are SO beautiful!
Anonymous said…
go for the gold... fish! lol!

thanks for the visit.
kitten said…
HEHEHEHEHEHE! Very good Job!
Wendster said…
Who won the gold?
Peter said…
Love your sense of humour Pamela, I picked the gold and silver medallists but who got the bronze?
Wendster said…
... betcha that's how they train people for the olympics too.
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela,and the winner is a dead heat for gold..
Anonymous said…
Are you sure those are pyrahanas? Or however you spell it...
Ms. Kathleen said…
Sweet... That is so lovely!
Anonymous said…
I have to tinkle now...the sound of flowing water just "does" that to me!

PERFECTLY titled! You're the Queen of that, no doubt :).

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