Fun Monday -

I can't believe it is already Monday and Mama Drama is (are?) the host of the day. They want to know What funny trivial fact do you remember that you probably should have forgotten a long time ago?

When I signed up last week I thought "no sweat, I'm the trivia Queen!" Then I just sat with my chin in hand, my eyes darted left and right, I made wistful sighs, and I realized I've forgotten everything I've ever learned.

Well, except for one thing:

I before E, except after C.

Yes! I learned that when I was knee high to a grasshopper and I never forgot it. Especially when I spell words like species, science, sufficient, seize, weird, sovereignty, vein - well you get the picture.

I really should forget that silly little mnemonic device and just learn how to spell.

Fortunately for me, my computer does spell-check when I type posts. Now I only need to right click on my mouse and my "i" and my "e" pop right into place.

To read the other trivial posts (snicker), please click Drama. Happy Monday!


Anonymous said…
I need spell checker like that!!!
didn't have time for this weeks FM!!
karisma said…
LOL I do believe there were a couple of exceptions to that rule! But I cant for the life of me remember what they were! He he!
Gattina said…
That's a nice rule ! never heard of it ! Of course I learned english from German words in another way. But that's a good thing for the english mothertongue !
Jo Beaufoix said…
I remember that on too. I've forgotten many of the others but that one stuck. :D
Hootin Anni said… in neighbor and weigh.

Oh and Receive!!!

Loved this Fun Monday. Mine is posted. Hopefully this is a bit on the 'FUNny side' too. Drop by if you can, won't you? Happy day to you.
i hate the English spelling rules! They never work!
DesLily said…
lol .. who doesn't remember that little tid bit that every school taught?!! now.. who wrote it? heh
ChrisB said…
Pamela, I use this all the time, it has served me well for as long as I can remember!
Jan said…
Yes, this one rarely fails me.
Jeanna said…
Except when it changes names like my godmothers to Lucite Dementor (Lucille Demitros).
Susie said…
I think I learned this one in about 3rd grade! I repeated it to D when we were working on his spelling and he had never heard of it. Guess they don't teach it anymore!
Beckie said…
That rule works great when it works....but it has failed me often.
Sandy said…
I still use this one! and ROY G BIV for the order and colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo and violet).
Anonymous said…
Yeah - I felt the same way - sat here at my computer and couldn't remember any useless trivia that I though anyone else wouldn't already know.
I use that one all of the time. Funny how something like that will stick with you your entire life.
Anonymous said…
Yes, that is the thing with those rules, then end up with exceptions.
Faye said…
Yep, no need to remember how to spell with good ole spell checker. Big dilemma is that I haven't figured out how to spell check comments, so must stick with smaller word or be outed as a not quite ready for the spelling bee gal.
Anonymous said…
I still have to say that in my head whenever I'm spelling "received". LOL!
I admit, this rule still cconfuses me.

I love spell check.

Thanks for playing!
storyteller said…
Ah ... yez … that was one of MY ‘trivial’ (but practical) memories today too, but I do love spell-checkers … yes I do ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
IamwhoIam said…
Thank god for spell check, but I haven't leard how to get it to do the comments. And what about eight that is e befor i so. Than there are all those words that sound the same but are spelled diffrent. To, no Too, no Two. It is all too much for me.
Sauntering Soul said…
Oh boy do I remember this one. But I'm with everyone else - thank goodness for spell checker!
Unknown said…
I still have to use that little device too. :)
Anonymous said…
I use that one all the time... and it works!!

I hope you'll stop by for Pet Peeve Tuesday!
Alison said…
I remember that too...but I still misspell those words!!
Walker said…
Yeah, i before e except when it isn't, which is primarily when you most need the rule to work.
BlondeBlogger said…
There's more to that poem....something like "except in (something) like (something) and weigh." I'm very helpful, aren't I? :)
kitten said…
That is one I did forget! LOL!
I didn't play, but reading everyone's post, the only thing that stuck out in my head was FANBOYS! For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. LOL!
Jill said…
I remember that rule too. and i still reply on spell checker a lot. its just not worth my time and attention these days to get things 'exactly' right...
Kelly Curtis said…
Oh I need every single one of the mnemonics I learned;) For me the unnecessary trivia would be the fact the horse I bought in 1981 had the sale number 35. Slightly useless info, don't you think?
Anonymous said…
LOL I'm not too good at remembering trivia, but that "I before E, except after C" is one that's used often!

I often type the word "lienholder" at work, and always want to spell it as "leinholder" for some reason, so I repeat the above rule to myself daily.
Claudia said…
uh,yeah, I still manage to screw it up! I sit there thinking to myself-is it "i before e? or i after e?" but I have to say that the sound of the word before makes it all flow much better.
Desert Songbird said…
Are you kidding? Give it up? No way! I say that to myself all of the time.
Susie Q said…
...unless it comes what was that exception? : )
I still run such things through my head, where they bump into all the other things crammed into my cranium. Some more useful tham ithers but THIS, it IS still useful!

Karina said…
That rule always annoyed the crap out of me, because it only served to confuse me when I was just learning english as my second language. Dumb rule! ;-)
I still think about that from time to time when I'm writing. They don't teach that stuff anymore, do they?
Betty said…
I am the world's worse speller. I, too, am thankful for spell checker.
Shelby said…
THAT is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny!! Because - I think of that about 10 times every day of my life. Seriously. Every @#$% day.

Funny. We are alot alike. I've said it more than once.

Shelby said…
My grandma used to tell me if the cows were laying down it was gonna rain.
Wendster said…
One of my favorite spelling exceptions (no rule to it) is the pronunciation of OUGH.


sounds different EVERY time but always spelled the SAME way.
Carla said…
I'm not quite sure how I survived before spell check. But I remember that one too.
carmilevy said…
I think the overall quality of writing would improve tremendously if we relied less on technology and went back to the time honored tricks our teachers taught us so long ago.

I'm not just saying it: I write for a living, and not a day goes by that I don't lament technology's impact on our collective ability to string words together. My wife - a teacher - is nodding her head beside me as I write this!
Molly said…
I love this Fun Monday topic but missed participating. I think that I will be passing on this week's Fun Monday too. However, I guess that I should check the topic.

My spelling is okay, but my typing can be a problem.
Debbie said…
You need a new rule:
Double check with spell check,
It will always save your kneck...

At least most of the time!
Beccy said…
You are so right, I often wonder which way round those letters go and that poem is so wrong.

Thank goodness for spell check.
Anonymous said…
I am totally confused, thanks for stopping by

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