Fun Monday: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a

Do I have a favorite word? Probably millions. But this one came to mind - and was already waiting for you to listen. (I'd used it nine months ago when Fun Monday presented favorite T-shirts.)

I dare you to say it with me.

Pamela's old favorite from pamela on Vimeo.

Please visit Mothers of Brothers, the wordy ladies hosting today's "Favorite Words" Fun.


Molly said…
That is a good word and a great shirt.
Molly said…
And listening to you say the fish's name on Vimeo is great fun.
amanda said…
That sure is a mouthful!
Amanda said…
My favorite word is noodle.

My favorite food, too, wouldntyaknowit.
Jan said…
So glad you included audio. It was beyond me.
Alison said…
that was definitely not how I tried to pronounce it...thanks for the is a great word!!
willowtree said…
This post has triggered my favourite word, though technically it's an acronym...WTF!?!
Anonymous said…
Gotta love those Hawaiian words!
Gattina said…
Don't you need a cast on your tongue with such a word to pronounce ??
hope you didn't hurt yourself with that one....
Oh yes, now THAT is a word!
Jeanette said…
Gday Pamela, Wow that a tongue twister..
Anonymous said…
wow! that is a long word!
SwampAngel65 said…
ROFLMAO!!! That video is GREAT! You had ma laughing so hard :) Great word, Pamela, great word!
Anonymous said…
So is this a place...or does it mean something? Im dying to know -- but it looks like a place. Although I could probably think up alot of meanings for this one. I could say this when I walk into a room and forget why I went in there in the first place.

Thanks for playing along with us!!
lol I'm not even going to try that word!

What does it mean?
Anonymous said…
I love that word! I say it all the time!
Except I didn't have the "kuapua" part on the end before.
Hazel said…
You must've practiced long & hard to be able to roll THAT off your tongue so easily!
Sauntering Soul said…
I'm so glad you included the audio - but I still can't say it!
Anonymous said…
I tried saying it, before listening. Wow! I was way off!

Mine is weeedoggies, with a long O sound. I probably say it far too often. It may have something to do with the early influence of The Beverly Hillbillies and Jed Clampett. I think that was his favorite too!
Junebug said…
Wow! You have a beautiful voice. I love it.
ChrisB said…
I'll leave the pronunciation to you as you say it so beautifully :)
Tiggerlane said… that your voice? It's gorgeous! You sound like a hot 20-year old!!

I am SO impressed!
Ari_1965 said…
I think it would make a great dog name.
Coffeypot said…
I said it, but what does it mean? Perhaps, "Pass the Tarter Sauce, plese."
storyteller said…
Your t-shirt word reminds me of one I got when I bicycled down Haleakala on Maui about 7 years ago … something I enjoyed but would never do again. ‘Kewl’ choice for today’s challenge. Fun post today ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Robocop said…
Now THAT is along word.
Eve said…
That word is a lot like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It just makes you feel good to say it or hear it. =)
Unknown said…
I tried several times, got close but couldn't get it exact. :)

What in the heck does it mean?
Sandy said…
and I travelled, not to Hawaii, but right back to high school and disestablishmentareanism.

Thanks for the smile.
kitten said…
I have a award/ meme for you at my blog.
Cruise Mom said…
I tried, but failed miserably in pronunciation. What does it mean?
Anonymous said…
I think I'll pass on trying to say it with you, but I did try it silently in my head.
Anonymous said…
Ooh! Ooh! I can say it!

An Island Life
kitten said…
You will have to make me your home made pie or give me recipe and let me try. It sounds good!
I really need to go check out Chris B's butter bean recipe.
Thank you bunches!
Jientje said…
I think my tongue is diagnosed as ambisinistrous too, trying to pronounce that one! LOL!
Anonymous said…
I appreciate the recycling, Pamela. Good work. If I were into giving awards, you'd get one for being Green & Environmentally friendly. :)
Karina said…
Okay, I think you win! Best word!
Walker said…
Is that onamatopoetic?
Yeah... I dare not even try.
Joy T. said…
I wasn't going to comment on this post since I'm late in commenting but I was playing the video and trying to say the word when my daughter went by the office. She stopped and asked what I was saying. When I told her and then showed her your video she told me I wasn't even remotely close to saying it right. "E for Effort though mom." Hey, I'll take it :o)
Desert Songbird said…
Um, yeah. Okay then...
Debbie said…
Brilliant word! Can't say it though. he he he
Wendster said…
I can't see all of the letters.


Is that what you say when you hum and then spit?
Wendster said…
Oh. It's printed at the TOP of the post. Patui, kaapuaa ... tomAto tomAHto

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