Hole in the Wall Gang

Gattina wants to see where the Fun Monday participants blog!

Ta Da!!

Oh my goodness. My blogging space is a mess.
(Messy space = organized mind. I swear it is true!)

Join in the nosey fun at Writers Cramps.


Gattina said…
I inspected everything ! and notice with pleasure that you also have a cable "salad" under your desk ! But your little space looks not messy at ALL I have seen worse ! It's really nice to see where everybody blogs !

You made me work early in the morning I just added you to the participant list !
Ali said…
Thats a very compact wee space you have there, everything nice and handy. And goodness, thats not messy .....
Hootin Anni said…
Ummmmm, you call that a mess? Looks good to me!!!!

My Fun Monday Blogging Area is posted now if you'd like to take a gander.....stop by. Have a great day.
Anonymous said…
That's not a desk...it's a landfill.
Just kidding. Had I taken an updated photo of my work space, you would have seen a real landfill.
kitten said…
I have to agree with Hootin' Anni! Looks fine and comfy to me!
IamwhoIam said…
Neat trick with the banner. Thanks for sharing, not sure why I was expection flowers (oh yea your beautful garden I don't think I could pull myself away from your yard).
Woodlandmama said…
I like that you put a graphic up.
Anonymous said…
Wow, Look at that nice wide monitor! You have a great space for working Pamela! Have a great Monday. I hear there's a cold blast up there in the Pacific N/W...
kitten said…
I am going to call her case worker Tuesday and talk to her about hospice. Momma finally agreed.
I love lopsided hugs! They are the best!
Anonymous said…
yours is compact and efficient! I like it, the less space, the less mess
eastcoastlife said…
My desk is much more messier, that's why I didn't dare to show it. I put up a neater space. Oops. hehe...
Anonymous said…
You call that a mess?
I'm ashamed of my space.
Desert Songbird said…
Girlfriend, you think THAT'S messy? Come see my desk. I'll show you mess!
Junebug said…
Nothing messy here! Come see my mess!
Jo Beaufoix said…
Pamela that is so true.
storyteller said…
If you think YOUR space is a mess … I’d hate to have you visit mine … but I definitely agree with your ‘messy space = organized mind’ … though the one I prefer says ‘A clean house is the sign of a wasted life’ ;--)

Mine’s up at Small Reflections … quite a bit messier than yourz I fear.
Hugs and blessings,
ChrisB said…
Your blogging space has a lived in look. I like it and I can't see any dust!!
karisma said…
What a great idea! Now all you need is a couple of doors to close it off and voila its clean! (Not that its really messy though, looks all right to me!)
Jan said…
Messy/organized, I understand. It's my life.
Unknown said…
I am so happy that I am not alone in my slightly disheveled work area. :)
Sayre said…
I only wish mine was that tidy...
Alison said…
your desk is definitely not messy, nor is it dusty!!!
Faye said…
I love the idea of a hole in the wall--and Karisma had a good idea of doors so the whole thing could be closed off. But then, as I write am thinking about how much I enjoy having my STUFF out in the open--like on a desk in the middle of the living room. What room is your HITW blogspot in? Can you blog with family around?
Christy Woolum said…
It doesn't look messy at all, but messy minds are creative minds... so who cares? And I think the more wires and cables we have the more creative we are too! lol!
You should have seen mine before I tidied it up a bit!!
Anonymous said…
Compared to mine, yours looks pretty darn good, Pam! I not only have a salad of wires and cables I have a buffet of papers and clutter!!
Amanda said…
I remember when that was the laundry closet.
Susie said…
How fun to see your "bloggy spot"
M@ said…

You need to clean that work station. Seriously....
Anonymous said…
I like the storage space :) And the shelf for the printer. And the wrap around desk... You are giving me ideas ;)
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela,You got a nice tidy spot to blog from.
Love the covered wagon in the park below it looks well looked after
Attie said…
not messy at all!!!!!!!!!!! I amglad I didn't do this one you wouldn't wanna see my mess!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Fun Monday! ?? What? Still going??

How are ya?
Wendster said…
Oh my. I am NEVER showing you where I blog. Well ... not until I clean my desk. Cuz if YOU think YOUR desk is a mess ... you'll never sanction mine. LOL.

Butter CROCK! That is HILARIOUS! I love it!
MarmiteToasty said…
My goodness LOL, just look at all them wires :)

Anonymous said…
That is a small space, but then all you really need for blogging is the computer. Our computer desk somehow magically collects stuff. Amazing trick really.
kitten said…
Josh did try to befriend this little dude, but it just made it worse. It all boiled down to JB being the new kid and not only new to the school, but a home school kid.

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