Reflection in Sugar Water Revisited

My accidental photograph magically transformed into fantasy by "The Artist Formerly Known as Purple Worms."

You meet incredibly talented people in blog land.


dieter said…
Interesting illusion,Phrase the digital camera.
Anonymous said…
Hell, I could have photoshopped something pretty interesting if I knew that's what floats your boat! You may have lost you G rating though.
ChrisB said…
I like what purpleworms has done with your photo, of course she has chosen my favourite colour.
Anonymous said…
Ooops that was me not mum!

katy said…
i still love it it is brilliant
BarnGoddess said…
I like the purple! too bad the elusive hummingbird dashed out before you snapped. They are quick little buggers.
Shelby said…
'tis brilliant indeed :)
AfKaP said…
(Blushing) Thank you pamela, and thanks to all the kind people who have commented - I'm moved! (Except - Willow - All I can say is go for it - I'd like to see you float Pamela's boat and there is never enough art in the world.)
Carole Burant said…
I'm always amazed at how pictures can be turned into something so fun...I'm wanting more and more to get a PhotoShop program! lol xox
Debs said…
Beautiful Job! Love the photo and the color! :)
Marti said…
Very pretty - thanks for sharing!

Hope you have a terrific weekend!
C... said…
That's gorgeous.
Jeanette said…
HI Pamela. pretty Illusion.. I was just going to say Purple is my Favorite colour also....
Kila said…
Very cool. I love it.
Molly said…
I like both of the pictures, yours and the transformed picture.
Anonymous said…
Very cool. :)
Susie Q said…
It is amazing! Your photo was already glorious but this just adds something, a new twist and creates something else equally grand!

Love it here as always dear Pamela.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
that is pretty

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