Hummingbird Morning

Sub Adult Rufous Hummingbird

This morning I digitally captured him as he waited on a twig of the Cistena plum... waiting to chase away the other hummingbirds that dare to intrude upon his territory.


Shelby said…
beauatiful :)
Shelby said…
I really can spell.

I just looked at my comment - yikes.

Well the hummingbird is very pretty.
Beckie said…
Wow, that is quite a shot! I could have tried for a month (really a year - because we rarely see hummingbirds in these parts) and not been able to get that picture.

Very Nice!
Anonymous said…
WHAT a FABULOUS picture! Perfect timing, Pamela :).
Anonymous said…
hmm is he the king of all he survey's?

Most mornings the only nature I see involves a throng of bugs nestled in the corner of my dining room.

Can't help but wonder what sort of camera you use — love the contrast, the color. And the mere fact that he looks perfectly still, though hummingbirds seldom are.
Coffeypot said…
It's funny that my two favorite birds are the Bald Eagle and the Hummingbird. One for its majesty and freedom in soaring the lofty heights, and the other because of its beauty and abilities.
my4kids said…
Thats a gorgeous picture!
Anonymous said…
Incredible photo, Pamela! Love it.
ChrisB said…
You've captured the moment in a beautiful photo. I wish we has some exotic birds visit our gardens.
Anonymous said…
Wow. That's an awesome shot!
Heather Plett said…
That's an amazing picture! Almost like a painting! Cudos to you.
Beccy said…
What a great picture (almost as good as that Mickey Mouse photo featured a few days ago)!
Carole Burant said…
Oh Pamela, what a brilliant shot you got of that hummingbird!! I have two hummingbird feeders hanging in front of the kitchen window and you'd think they'd share but no, one always has to chase the others away! lol xox
Peter said…
This morning I digitally captured him......

Sounds almost like a line from a sci-fi movie or book Pamela, but it is a beautiful photo, congratulations on your perseverance.
Whippersnapper said…
Wow. He looks like he's been carved out of porcelain. If such a thing were possible, I mean.
BlondeBlogger said…
Pamela, you take the most amazing photographs! This is GORGEOUS and so are the shots of the sunflowers.

I want to come live with you for a week, lol. Your life seems so quaint and peaceful!
Anonymous said…
I didn't know that hummingbirds were so territorial. He's so cute!
BarnGoddess said…
wonderful photo Pamela!

wow, those little birds are elusive. great pic
Anonymous said…
I don't think I've ever seen a Rufous sit still. They are always dive bombing all the other hummers at the feeders at my place. Great picture of the bird and tree. Have a great weekend. We are still trying to make our way home.
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela thats a Beautiful photo of the Hummingbird,,
Wow look at height of those sun flowers... '
Debs said…
Beautiful! I love my hummingbirds.
theotherbear said…
Fabulous shot, Pamela!
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh this is a beautiful picture. I am envious of your visitor and the picture both. We have had fewer Hummingbirds this year in our area. Fellow birdlovers have noticed it also. I have only seen one in my yard and he surely didn't land in any one place! What a nice picture.
Walker said…
Now I am jealous of THAT photo! great one.
Anonymous said…
Hello, Pamela

I accepted the 'dare' that you posted on Coffeypot's blog, and checked out some of your tags. Junk? Hardly! You're as dedicated a blogger as I've encountered, and interesting to boot. Great photography, too; I'll be back.

Nice meeting you,
- Cooper
DesLily said…
gorgeous shot Pam!.. i love hummingbirds, and miss seeing them like I did in CA, where they were all over!!
Hayden said…
wonderful shot!
Judypatooote said…
I find hummingbirds so interesting... those little bodies and those wing you can hardly see because they flap so fast.... I just added a hummingbird feeder to my back yard.....keep waiting....I know one time I did see one in my yard....I hope he comes back to find me....
Susie said…
Isn't it magical when they sit so still for a moment or two? Lucky you to have been there to capture his beauty..
Donetta said…
Nice visitor, He is just right at home.
dieter said…
You can wait and wait and not get this shot again ,well done.You should buzznet :-)
C... said…
What cutie pie
AngelConradie said…
oh my, he's exquisite!
Dallas said…
Wow, that's a great shot. It's so hard to actually get them sitting still.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photo!! An awesome picture. Well done. :D

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