Fun Monday #30, Little White Lies

TheOtherBear is hosting today and she's asking for an awful lot.

She looks quite HOLY and we all know what she is wearing under the Robe. She has convinced me and I'm laying it all down, folks. I need forgiveness.


I was fourteen.

I was shy. (Oops, that’s another little white lie.)

There were two wonderful things I was looking forward to that fall: The annual Fair in Puyallup, and my first year in high school.

Like most kids heading into high school I'm sure I thought I was ALL THAT and more.

My best friend moved to another town, but she was coming back to stay with me and go to THE FAIR. We had plans.

Yeah.. the fair had scones with strawberry preserves, hamburgers that we ordered without onions, cotton candy, and snow cones. There were carnival rides and games. There were even rodeo events and display booths that could occupy us for hours. However, they didn't. CUZ...we were lookin' for guys. We KNEW they were lookin' for us.

It wasn't a surprise because it was part of our plans when two handsome young men cozied in behind us in line for the octopus and squeezed into the seat across from us. It didn't take long before we were enjoying the carnival and the rest of the evening as a foursome.

The Western Washington State Fair attracts folks from all over the state, and these two fellows were strangers.

When the hour arrived that we were supposed to meet my brother for a ride home, we told our new found escorts that we had to leave.

"Give us your names and telephone numbers," was their parting request.

I don't remember how my friend responded.

I just know that I lied.

"My name is Karen."

I don't know why I lied - well, yes I do - I didn't want my mom to know about him. I figured I'd never see the fellows again so my name didn't make any difference. It was my first experience in "picking up" a guy, in the most innocent of ways.

Has anyone ever told you that one lie leads to another?

School started the next week and I was higher than a kite with anticipation.

The first day of class is when I experienced the "Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out" clause. I bumped into him between classes. He was a Junior transferring in from a different school.

"Hey Karen!" He called to me as I kept walking.

When he caught up with me and tapped my shoulder, I had to turn around.

"Karen, I'm so happy to see we're going to the same school."

I gulped. And to this day, I still think about what a lousy thing I did.

"I'm sorry, my name is Pamela not Karen. You must have me mixed up with someone else."

I think he shook his head as you would if a fly was buzzing around it.

"This is just crazy, " he stammered. "You look exactly like her."


I'm sorry I never told him the truth. Having lied once was bad. The second lie made it impossible to pursue more than a friendly smile and a hello for the next two years.


Hey Other Bear, do you think you can forgive me?

There's got to be better lie stories out there then this one, so make sure you cruise over here for some real whoppers.


Gattina said…
OMG ! what a lie, you will cook in a big pot in hell for that, lol !
On the other hand you must be an angel if that is the only lie in your life. Actually I am thinking now ... what was I had lied about ?? Don't remember anything just now.
theotherbear said…
I forgive you for posting my photo on your site.

Oh and your post itself made ma laugh my head off. Fabulous. Teenage angst - wouldn't go back to those years for all the money in the world.
Kaytabug said…
That was a great Lie story!! I can't believe you had the balls to lie again, that was a doozie!!
I too am guilty of lying to guys about my name. But in my defense my name is hard to pronounce and so unique that when ever I told someone my name they would always get it wrong anyway. I'd have to repeat my self more than once and most times in slow mo so I just started coming up with something that was easy for them to understand...more common!
Anonymous said…
I'm impressed you were so 'quick' about giving the wrong name. I suck at lying and would have stammered and he would have known instantly I was lying.
Pamela said…
Gattina. I'm sure I've told a few others. I've blocked them out because I'm not proud that I did it. I just remember this one because I missed out on a possible relationship

The Other Bear: You look very nice as a priest

Katabug: it was just inexperience in dealing with guys .... I was a beginner.

Joy; I bet he knew all along. He probably thought I was a freak... although he was really a gentlemen and never ever let on.
Anonymous said…
Poor guy. He's probably still confused and thinking there are two gals in this world who look exactly alike. Two in a row. You win because you were sooooo fast.
Anonymous said…
ooooh - shame on you!!!!! hee hee -
Anonymous said…
LOL That's just too funny.

It's almost time to Do the Puyallup again, are you going to have an encore story to tell us? tee hee
Molly said…
The wages of sin is...getting caught. Your story is sweet and innocent. Interesting that you never told him about your mistake but that you see things differently now.
ChrisB said…
Enjoyed reading about your little youthful transgression :)
Beccy said…
You did well to think up another lie on the spot! I think I would've cracked and told the know that poor guy could still be puzzling over that one.
Anonymous said…
All I can think of, is Pamela cruising guys at 14, lol. You little minx, you ;)!
katy said…
you could have told him you had a twin and carried on and on with the lie LOL
Anonymous said…
That's a cute lie...You were 14. I love it.
Hootin Anni said…
Actually, I think I'd do the same being that he 'was a stranger'.
Anonymous said…
That's so funny!
I think if I hadn't got caught (and you didn't) I would have kept going!
Anonymous said…
I've given out the wrong phone number before on purpose, but never my name. Good story!

(I have a picture up at my place just for you!)
theotherbear said…
OY! By the way, my belly is not so pronounced as that priest's.
theotherbear said…
By the way, the Uncaringbear husband has also posted his secrets now - be sure to visit again to compare how sweet his story is compared to my evil.
Shelby said…
the things we girls do...

Tiggerlane said…
OMG! This is like something out of a movie! And who knew you were using Vegas tactics back in the day - wow. What a sly little 14-year old! And SMART. Except that you got caught - but still a good tactic!
Susan in va said…
EEK! This one made me want to crawl under a rock! I would have been horrified! I would have probably just continued to respond to "Karen" without saying a word!

This story reminded me of the movie "Grease" for some reason. Except YOU were Danny Zuko :)
Debs said…
Great story. Awwww the innocence of youth.
AngelConradie said…
oh thats so sweet and sad!
Anonymous said…
That poor boy! You probably had him thinking he was going crazy!
Anonymous said…
Great cover up!Karen WHO?!Or you could have said you had a twin sister and play with his mind a little more, Opps...I mean have a little more fun with him!! :)
DesLily said…
lol love it!.. and you never batted an eye when you told him your fake name!'re good!
BarnGoddess said…
liar liar pants on fire!

that was a doosey. Funny how those lies seem to come back and bite us in the hineys evereytime.
Beckie said…
Pamela, that was a good one!
oh, what a story! thanks for confessing! :o)
Carole Burant said…
Well hello there Karen!! hehe Now that was a funny story but I can just imagine how bad you felt after the second time you lied to you think if you met him now you'd lie the third time??? lol xox
AfKaP said…
Cute, Pamela - of course since you only gave him your first name, there was really no reason to lie. It is funny how sill y we can be when we are young. It is a sweet story.
Kila said…
LOL, hilarious. Did he figure it out after a while?
Masago said…
That's such a cute story. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
That was a great post!
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed reading this one - cute story!

Maybe now you can let it go and forgive yourself. ;)
Anonymous said…
Later in life he probably drank himself to death and suffered male pattern baldness because of you.
Anonymous said…
ahhh that sucks.....

i have actually done that one though...

well not the second one but the first one
Kahless said…
Must have been dead embarassing for you!
You did well not to go red and give the game away.
Robinella said…
Ooo. I love your story. I hope mine doesn't let you down.
Raven_Dase said…
omg that was funny!!!! i would have died if they had come to my school after doing that!
Robocop said…
Wow, that's happened to me. (The guy part of the lie**LOL**)
dieter said…
I think thats a great story/lie.I am amazed you came up with it so fast and more amazed he fell for it. I guess we all say and do things we regret later in live. Its human nature I think.
Shelby said…
appreciate so much your comments this evening...

p.s. updated just now - on my school soap opera this evening.. it's sweeps week I guess..

take care! :)
Carla said…
What a hoot! Yep, you got caught but did well holding your own. Oh, those were the days. I think we've all been there at one point or another.
Geeez woman! Now that's a lie! Funny story though!
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela, Great post LIes, Lies, Lies,And a good laugh.HAHAHA. now thank you for your lovely wishes and compliment on my birthday I just turned 68...
Susie Q said…
YOU always make me grin and chuckle and just feel good. This was a hoot.

Gattina said…
Just got your comment on WW ! Are you still up ? It must be quite late ! I just GOT up and am here with my first cup of coffee and it's very early 6 am, lol !
Mary said…
Heehee, I think I may have given out a fake number a time or two. ;)

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