Granny Blogger

Thank you Jammin' and Buttercup for my very special treat in the mail today.


katy said…
looks like they have your artistic talent, great paintings, aren't they just so precious
Anonymous said…
They take after their Grandmother! Natural artistic talent!
Susan in va said…
Oh how sweet! What a terrific Grandma you are!!! Seeing their art on your blog is TOTALLY going to make their day.

P.S. I was scrolling down looking at some of your old posts and came across the most adorable picture of a newborn baby. Congratulations! What a doll! Makes me want another...
PAT said…
Wonderful works of art, Pamela! The best!

I asked J about the oak trees on our Hannibal jaunt. He believes they are Black Oak. He said he didn't look closely. J is wonderful at identifying flora and fauna, so I would say, if he believes they are Black Oak, they are Black Oak.

Anonymous said…
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela
Its lovely to get a parcel in the mail from the Grandchildren very artistic kids.
Shelby said…
fun fun fun!!!
Masago said…
I love this kind of art.
Kelly Curtis said…
Awww - you have such sweet grandkids. And they have your talent too!
Anonymous said…
I love children's work and framed ones are even better. I like to give paintings by Aaron for birthday presents to the grandparents.
Anonymous said…
Buttercup says: "I want to come to your house and say 'hello' and see my picture"

Jammin' says: "cool"
Anonymous said…
Jodi said…
What great talent... it definitely runs in the family!!
Debs said…
Beautiful artwork! More talent running in your family. :)
DesLily said…
those are Keepers for the scrap book fersure!
Jill said…
You've been awarded. Come visit me to see!
Gattina said…
How cute ! They did it very well ! I love the pictures of you pond below !
BarnGoddess said…
beautiful! Im glad they inherited your awesome talent :)
Amanda said…
Awwww! That is so sweet!! I guess Curly Mop will have to make something extra special and bring it when we come to visit.

And I think both those kids got grandma's talent!!

And I'm cracking up at what Buttercup said.
Tammy said…
Those are beautiful! What a wonderful surprise to get from the mailbox!
Whippersnapper said…
But not JUST a granny blog... !
BlondeBlogger said…
Awww, don't you just love that? Natalie drew a picture of her and me together recently and it's on the frige with 100 others. And each one is special! :)
Molly said…
Great pictures by your lovely grandchildren
Beccy said…
I'm sure there up on the wall already for everyone to see and admire, they're gorgeous, I love children's artwork.
C... said…
Kids are the best artists. They see so much more than we do.

My word verification is:

hmmmm makes me wonder.
Anonymous said…
awwww isn't that the sweetest thing!!! how cool
Susie Q said…
There is nothing better than art from a child!! NOTHING!! Well, unless it is a hug or kiss from a child...or Brian Sue. Stop that. From a child...always the best.

I love the sweet way in which a child expresses themselves through art...:)


Mary said…
They are quite the artists! Beautiful :D

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