Don't blame it on age, necessarily

On Wednesday, I returned home from work and took off my earrings. That is when I noticed they were not a matching pair.

No one mentioned it to me. The next day when I chided one of the younger women about not speaking up she said, "Honestly, I didn't notice it."

This comes on top of my disappointment at the ocean. We were preparing for a walk up the beach, so I opened my suitcase and removed the plastic bag carrying my heavier shoes. One shoe went on my left foot before I realized the second shoe was from a different pair. I would have shrugged that off and worn it, except it was also for my left foot. Trish and I sat on the floor and laughed tears.

I would blame it on my age, but I did things like this when I was younger.

In my mid thirties and my youngest was still playing dress up, I gave her my older high heels for fun. She must have left them out one evening and the hubby picked them up and threw them back in my closet. The next day I ran an errand during my lunch hour that included a stop for something in one of the swankier shops.

"Ma'am," the pretty young clerk asked, "Why are you wearing different shoes?"

I looked down at one much scuffed black, open toe, stacked heel versus one sling back, solid toe, blue narrow spike heel. That moment ranks right up with the "losing my swimsuit top" at the water slides for most embarrassing moment.

Granted, I had grabbed them in a dark room so as not to wake the hubby who was attempting sleep after fighting fire all night. That doesn't excuse the complete distraction from my appearance the rest of the morning. It was a head shaker.

Do you ever find yourself picking up other people's mugs and taking a sip, or putting their keys in your purse, or grabbing a pair of glasses and wondering why your eyes are so blurry?

Occasionally the hubby tries to put on a pair of my jeans. Wish I could wear his.

I believe my brain is too busy for the mundane things like making sure I put make-up on both eyes.

That is my story and I'm sticking to it.


M@ said…
Pam, cleaning that house of yours might settle your mind a bit. Um just sayin'.
Coffeypot said…
I know how you feel. The other day I was looking for my glasses and getting pretty frustrated. Sweet Tea asked me what’s wrong and I said I couldn’t find my damn glasses. She laughed and said, as sweetly as she could, “Honey (she sometimes calls me that) you are wearing them.” No wonder everything I look at was clear as a bell. Senior moment for me. Actually, I have senior hours – not moments.
Susan in va said…
Oh, honey...I feel your pain. I've always thought that I was the most scatterbrained, absentminded person on the planet.

A couple of times a week, I'll put my glasses on not realizing that I haven't taken my contact lenses out yet - makes me feel like my eyeballs are riding on the tip of my nose. Sometimes I'll put in only one earring. And just this week, my DH asked me to get him some crackers while I was downstairs - I came back upstairs and handed him a JUICE CUP! It took an entire minute before the light bulb appeared above my head (*bling!*).

And I can't tell you how many times in a day that I will walk into a room and completely forget why on earth I was going there! That one drives me insane.

I could give you 100 more examples...but I'll shut up now.
Anonymous said…
Um, first, SO feeling your pain.

Second, I would share a story, but the last time you posted on this and I commented and shared a story and I was SO very sleep deprived 'cause Bethany was still so very tiny and waking up a made fun of me 'cause I had an attack of "I can't spell today, either."

And you posted it the next day.

So this time, I'll just tell you how much I feel your pain.

Pamela said…
Matt= house cleaning is one of those mundane things

Coffey= sometimes honey just means bee vomit.

Susan = like the time the hubby got up for ice cream. I said I want ice cream...but let me write down that I want nuts and fudge because you won't remember. He said - you gotta be kidding me if you think I would forget nuts and fudge. So 30 minutes later he comes back with scrambled eggs and bacon. I say SEE, I told you you'd forget the toast.

Stephanie= oh, I can't remember that... see how bad I am. Certainly I wouldn't make fun of you - or you might not let me come babysit that little sweet tart with the hypnotizing eyes!!! (too bad you live so far away)
Anonymous said…
I once put on my contacts and couldn't see with them at all and was all freaked out and made my mom come help me. I kept taking them off and cleaning them and even tried another pair (I had a ton of disposable ones) and the same thing happened. Then I noticed a line around my pupil. I already had a pair of contacts in that I'd apparently fallen asleep in and I was putting another pair on top of them.

I was 17. Age has nothing to do with it.
Carol said…
I just fall back on being a musician. Artistic distraction/eccentricities. You'd be amazed how many people buy that one. The truth is, I don't know how I got this way.
BlondeBlogger said…
Oh my gosh, I am the QUEEN of absentmindedness! I think it's because I'm blonde. I can't imagine how bad it will be when I'm old!
Susie said…
These were all funny, but I don't laugh quite so hard when I do things like this. I had my sweatshirt with a design on it on backwards for half a day. Do you think my husband even noticed? No! It took some clerk in a store to tell me.
Pamela said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pamela said…
Jenny: how many people wear two sets of contacts I wonder?

Carol: There is truth to rumor that artistic people are eccentric

Blondeblogger: you'll forget you are blonde.

Susie: or inside out. done that, too
Shelby said…
laughing out loud:)

that's so something I would do and have done such similar things!

take care and happy Saturday!!
Devon said…
I seriously never had a problem with this. I also never understood others who did. Then came the humbling experience of having children and being so tired that one day my toddler held up a household item and asked me what it was called.

I looked at this item and knew I should easily know what it is called but after 2 minutes of trying gave up! It was a clothing hanger. I worried about my friend a doctor who went back to work 6 weeks after giving birth. I wondered if she would look at her stethescope and say, "what is this thingy called again?"
Carole Burant said…
Oh dear...I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who does things like that! lol I've warn my tops inside out...I've forgotten to take price tags off new clothes...I've packed my bowling shoes to go away instead of my running shoes...etc...Sigh! lol
Peter said…
Now look here..... Uummm.. what's your name? I just want to say..... Uummm .. I know I had something I wanted to say... Oh well.. maybe next time.
Mary said…
Heehee, you made me laugh because I do the same kind of stuff sometimes.

The thing I hate the most is having something in my hand that I really need then losing 2 minutes later. I end up putting it down while attempting to multi task, then I make more of a mess trying to find it.
Steffi said…
Hi Pamela!
Thank you very much for visiting my blog!And your german words are very good!Unfortunately is my english not so good!

Have a nice day!
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela I had a laugh because I think were all guilty of forgetting the odd things I went bowling last week and was only wearing 1 earing but I must say somehow ive misplaced its mate.
Anonymous said…
You know I can relate! Remember the time I wore 2 totally different sandals all day and didn't notice? I still get teased about it by my family! LOL!
katy said…
oh poor you, over here we would call it a blonde moment and belevie me i have plenty of those!
BarnGoddess_01 said…
cleaning house, no thanks! I m saving that for tomorrow...

its not OLD AGE. Im almost 38 (I feel old oday tho) and I always do silly stuff like that......

but not quite as noticable as 2 different shoes ;)
BarnGoddess_01 said…
cleaning house, no thanks! I m saving that for tomorrow...

its not OLD AGE. Im almost 38 (I feel old oday tho) and I always do silly stuff like that......

but not quite as noticable as 2 different shoes ;)
Anonymous said…
I have on several occasions hijacked someone else's shopping cart. It was quite embarrasing to meander up and down the aisles looking for the rightful owner. Usually, that person is so grateful to see that basket full of their groceries, not much attention is given to my sincere apologies. Thank goodness I've never made it to the check out without noticing.
Claudia said…
I lose my keys on a regular basis...among other things! However, I don't have much problem with the shoes as I usually let them congregate in the living room or under the kitchen table!
Anonymous said…
my mom, my sister and myself are all like this. my mom and sis more. I've never worn different shoes, or different earrings, but I've done worse.

I've not only picked up someone else's keys, I've tried to unlock someone else's car with my own keys. LOL
they were the same color, but not even the same make.
Masago said…
Pam, this post is a real hoot! Thanks for the fun.
C... said…
Oh man. I thought I was the only who had days like this. I am so glad there are more silly people out there. If you stand next to me I may not seem so crazy after all. ;)
Judypatooote said…
I don't think it's old age, for I think your testing people to see if they little granddaughter always has two different shoes on, and sometimes they are for the same foot......and she's not old..... very funny story Pamela, sad thing is, it is all to familar......
Hazel said…
I'm just so glad to know I'm in good company!

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