
Several Dahlia's have been hanging on. An earlier post mentioned that we had lost the marjority of them to some fungus.

Today, on my hubbys birthday, one of them has decided to show it's face. It is a sign of hope and determination.

All three of our amazing daughters have taken their turn this year facing and enduring a painful trial. They have grown, reached for the sun, and bloomed. Courage and beauty has been their fruit.

I love them and every fiber of my being hurts when they hurt.

Our Jen will face this loss and draw on her faith in God, the Healer.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.


Anonymous said…
Flowers are so delicate yet so striking and beautiful. Much like our own lives.

Thanks for sharing!
Amanda said…
Love you too, Mom
Walker said…
Oh I am so so so sorry, Pamela. My heart goes out to your daughter and your family.
Beautiful photo. Beautiful flower. Your daughters are blessed to have such loving parents.

Happy Birthday to your husband. It is always sad to have a birthday close to the death of a loved one. I know he (lil' Kai) wasn't here yet, but he was still loved.
M J said…
What a beautiful post. Your children are so lucky to have such a compassionate and loving mother.
SongBird said…
What a beautiful picture and your writing is eloquent and heartfelt as usual. God be with you and your family.
Kelly Curtis said…
Beautiful flower and post. I'm still thinking of you today...
willowtree said…
Pamela, interesting that you should mention the reload issue (comments on my blog). I have always had to reload your blog everytime I visit, I even have to reload the comments seperately.

Yours is the only one (occasionally Karmyn's), I don't think it's a firefox issue, it's either the proxy server your ISP uses or the template. I don't know which it is,I just got used to manual refreshing it.

Mind you, it is funny that it only started happening since you switched to Firefox??? I'll investigate and let you know if I find out anything.
willowtree said…
Pamela, I found the answer, and to think I've lived with it all this time!!

The problem is it's a bit scary as you have to change some settings in Firefox but here's the link that explains it
Swampwitch said…
...these words linger in my mind from your post:
hanging on
happy birtday
Words of healing and looking ahead.
Thanks for your post today.
Robin said…
Pamela, you've been reading me long enough to know my thought: if you seek "it", you will find "it"--Beauty in the midst of great pain, suffering, tragedy. You're a lovely testimony of finding what you seek. There ARE moments of beauty amidst the difficult trials of life, and praise God you have the eyes to see and share them (and Him, that He gives you the wisdom, eyes, heart, grace and mercy to encourage your beloveds and others through His strength in you).

Thankful I've found you in the're a source of encouragement to me as you face yet another life trial.

Heart, me.
Swampwitch said…
So glad to see you this morning with your limerick and that you have a giggle in your step today. You gave me the giggles and I'm just glad you didn't think the man in the pics was from Nantucket.
Swampwitch said…
OK, Stop It! You are causing my sides to hurt. If you post one more time, I'll have to work from the floor because you have me rolling on it.
Susan in va said…
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandson. I haven't read your blog in a couple of days so I've just found out about this today. I'm sure it was a bittersweet birthday for your husband. Your family will be in my prayers. My heart aches for Jen, I can't imagine what she's going through.
Karmyn R said…
Thanks mom - I love you too

AND - I had to reload your page today to get this post. It never happened with IE - and now I'm using Netscape, so something weird is going on. I'll have to read Willowtree's link and see what it has to say.

Ok? How do you type in a word verification - if there isn't one? sigh
Karmyn R said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Walker said…
Karmyn, Blogger is caching blogs... so a lot of times we will have to reload to see a post.

Hey, Pamela, I am sending you all sorts of sympathy vibes. Lots of Hail Marys (sorry Rose) for you and your family.
Bonnie B said…
I think the flower bloomed for your family. It was God's way of saying there is hope and beauty in a world full of sorrow -- and you have expressed that feeling so well.

Bless you and your family.
Shauna said…
Pamela - I think Bonnie B said it well. . .

You are all still in my thoughts and prayers. . .

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