Another blast from the past

(Or can I buy this mirror on E-Bay?)


MaR said…
He, he, let me know if you ever find this mirror, I need one too! Happy WW :)
Oh oh, get me one too and I will pay ya back! :)
M J said…
Put me on the list please.

It's the only hope I have for my butt.
Maria said…
Me. Me. I want one. My big bertha butt is begging you......
Sunrunner said…
Oh dear Lord don't I wish!!! If you find a mirror like that, I'll put my name on the list too!!!
Swampwitch said…
Maybe if you put in an order for 5 dozen, we can get a discount. I'll send my address...
SongBird said…
Pamela, You simply must stop posting pictures of me in my underwear on your site.
Claudia said…
Hey! How'd you get that picture of me?? (i'm alway shocked when I go to buy clothes and end up with something that looks like it should be too big!!)
Robin said…
I've gotta big butt & I cannot lie.....
willowtree said…
Damn, I pictured all of you like nice versions of Paris Hilton (ie looking like her but able to construct a sentence and knowing the diferrence between right and wrong). So now you're saying I've got it wrong?
Very funny! I would like buy this mirror, too!

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