Invitation: Play Fun Monday on February 9

Please join me next Monday as I host this weeks Fun.
The subject: Show me in pictures or tell me in words what defines the place where you live.
I want to leave the interpretation open to include any possibility.
It could be a geographical phenomenon. For instance, when I was a child, the people who lived on our sloping hill could view the Olympic Mountain to the northwest and the majestic Mt. Rainier to the south east.
It could be a man made monstrosity. Do you come home from a trip and the shadow of a skyscraper beckons you.
Has the wind blowing from the feed lot given your small town a dusty or smelly reputation?
Is there a college or university close by that seasonally changes the way your world operates? Or maybe a winter influx of retired snowbirds?
Could it be the house at the left turn to the grocery store has turned into a junk yard?
Did a famous person put your town on the map?
Is there something about your neighborhood that makes it unique. Good or bad.
I'm looking forward to finding out more about the place you call home.
Sign up on Mr. Linky!
(someone said this is a rerun -- so please forgive me! I must have missed it, as I haven't played Fun Monday every week this past year. Please sign up anyway and find something new to excite us.)
I'm in!
Yesterday, looking at the city through the eyes of one who will soon leave, I found fierce delight again. This Fun Monday is a fitting way for me to begin thinking about saying good-bye to my home of the last 32 years.
i'm not good with weekly things at all however.
but 'for fun' this particular one sounds like fun .. :)
I'll play for this upcoming Fun Monday, but may have to take your permission to liberally bend the rules because I've written so much about "home" recently. I do have a "house" story to tell though.
My link:
And I see you've gotten Peter back--good!
Count me in, please!
If you need help getting started, I know just the person to put you in touch with...
Rockin' Grandma: You know I'll do my best to follow the rules.
Great job hosting. I didn't do such a good job of participating - too much going on over here. I felt too bad posting a 'fun monday' when the office is buzzing with stories of homes and lives lost in the bushfires. Can you put me off the list please, I'll do one another week.