The Muffed Target

Gattina, Writers Cramps, has asked her regular readers to:   post pictures which are not at all like you had wanted and describe how it happened.    She is calling it The Muffed Target.

Many of you have read about our "elevator" experience at Hoover Dam.  Right after we were "freed" I snapped a few photos in the diversion tunnel.  When my husband was downloading them to his laptop later that night he began to laugh.  I looked over his shoulder to see the following.

I have no idea what  I was doing with my camera.

From the looks of it I wasn't the only one still a bit freaked.  Forgive me dear lady, whoever you are.


Gattina said…
I am still laughing ! her expression is priceless !
Carla said…
That just captures it perfectly. Fabulous!
Sandy said…
Every picture tells a story...sometimes it's just not
Jan n Jer said…
Too funny, that photo certainly does tell a story!
Steve Skinner said…
I agree, she sure looks freaked out!!
darkfoam said…
hahahahhahahahehehe .. :D ..

i wonder how many muffed photos of myself arer out there that are humoring strangers ... :)
dawn said…
That is a funny expression and a perfect photo for the theme.
Anonymous said…
OMG...this is just perfect. And the expression on that woman's face LOL Too funny. Boy I'm going to love this. I have tons for this. Well played my friend. Thanks for stopping by my playground. Much appreciated. Have a great week ahead :)
Unknown said…
Maybe it was one of those oops pokes? She does look a wee bit startled. I would have been too!
grammy said…
oh my goodness
I could not help but laugh after I enlarged it
liked the cloud picture and the guest post (o:
Fabulous choice for this meme. She really does look freaked, lol.
Intense Guy said…
You do know what you are doing with that camera! :) You captured this person's expression perfectly!

The lady behind her has quite an expression too!
~sWaMpY~ said…
I can't imagine what SHE was thinking as you turned and snapped her picture...the flash must have been blinding !
Poor woman...just now freed from a stuck elevator and now she can't see a thing.
Too funny
heather said…
hahahaha! This woman does not look very happy with you catching her moment of weakness.
Ha..I usually delete those weird shots..perhaps I should save them! :)
Peter said…
Don't laugh the poor lady might look like that all the time.

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