
I took this photo of the sky yesterday when I was leaving for an appointment.

Then, this afternoon I saw that  Carmi, at Written Inc, has chosen "Dotty" as the Thematic Photograph week 104.

Looks dotty to me!

Anyone is welcome to participate in his meme.  Click right here!


bichonpawz said…
It DOES look quite DOTTY doesn't it?? Hope you are having a great weekend Pamela!!
Merle said…
Hi Pamela ~~ Very unusual sky photo and well named. Thank you for your comment and I am so glad you enjoyed the jokes. We get some good ones.
Last time you commented, I could not
get to reply for some reason.
Take care, Love, Merle.
Janis said…
The photo fits the name perfectly!
Hayden said…
very Dotty indeed!

I had a "courtesy" Aunt Dot, and my mom often called her Dottie. Wonderful old fashioned name, I love it.
Gattina said…
I love these clouds I call them little sheeps !
Glennis said…
Good interpretation of dots!!

I like the name of your blog - I was just reading "Ask the Dust" by John Fante.
dawn said…
Yep, looks dotty. It is amazing how the sky has so many looks. It's been so long since I have read any blogs. It has been a weird afternoon visiting people.
Unknown said…
Dottie indeed! Interesting sky!
C... said…
I like those clouds
Kila said…
Yes, it fits.

I don't see clouds like that here. They would be streaked across the sky as if by a paintbrush, or bunched up into a single larger cloud.
Anonymous said…
Just loving that picture, Pamela!
Helene said…
Isnt it interesting how blogging affects your life!?! You probably would have looked at the sky and only seen clouds had you not read Carmi's blog about spots! =]

Ohhh I mean dots! hehe I see them too now that you mention it!

Happy Monday!
Living Life said…
Reminds me of a bunch of cotton balls floating in the sky!

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