Seeing Red

Are you REDy for Wordless Wednesday? Get your fix HERE.


Masago said…
Vividly gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
Awesome shot, I love the red cars tying in the red from the trees;-).
Ingrid said…
I hope you have no bull running around !
Anonymous said…
Pamela, in honor of your photo, I hereby rename the meme Wordless Rednesday! :-D
Anonymous said…
Fantastic Fall Foto!!!
Ooooo . . . pretty. That is an amazing shot. I love the trees alone, but then the red cars under it just really give it that extra punch.

Thanks for stopping by my WW post and have a happy WW!
Cecily R said…
Great shot, and CLEVER title!!
Indrani said…
A car for every season!
Firefighter said…
Good eye, beautiful shot.
sweetytots said…
nice.. very entries are in sweet..pretty..naughty and sweetytots
LadyStyx said…
Spectacular shot!
Jim said…
This is a very pretty street. Red up and red down. Is it red across?
I suppose the red cars make it look redder.
Happy WW! Thank you for your visit and nice comment. We only get pizza delivery out here and Mrs. Jim and I don't use that.
darkfoam said…
what a beautiful way to see a lot of red!
Anonymous said…
Very nice. That is how you paint the town red! :D

Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
kitten said…
Wow! Look at them trees! So beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful. I love fall.
Anonymous said…
Yep, that is a lot of pretty red.
Great shot.
Desert Songbird said…
Beautiful leaves. I don't have that view around here.
Junebug said…
So purty! My favorite color in leaves after green. :D
Beautiful colors! I love the contrast between the cars, tree, and the building behind. How nice of people to park their matching cars under the coordinating tress for you.

btw - I like your new profile photo!

Thanks for dropping by. :D
Unknown said…
Beautiful picture! I absolutely love this time of year.
Anonymous said…
Those trees are just glorious!!
Maureen Hayes said…
Really gorgeous shot. I did fall leaves as well, but none so vivid as yours!

Check out my post at:

BTW, my first time at your blog and I LOVE the title!

Happy WW!
Mojo said…
Hah! Are you "red-dy" is the tag I use for Ruby Tuesday. And this would have been a perfect post for that meme. But it works for Wordless too. great color!
Unknown said…
Talk about red overload! Red is one of my favorite colors! I'm wondering if they bought the red cars to match the leaves. . . :)
carrie said…
that's a lot of red! great shot!
storyteller said…
Wow … lots of beautiful ‘autumn’ red here with two sparkling red vehicles. Who owns those??? This would make a wonderful Ruby Tuesday post … ya know?
Hugs and blessings,
Anonymous said…
You are just too clever for your own good. Catchy title and the comment at my place had me rolling.
Beautiful photo. We don't have trees like that here in the High Desert...unless we use a case of red spray paint on all the tumbleweeds.
Anonymous said…
Oooh, great picture!
karisma said…
Oooh Loverly, Loverly!!!!!
A Spot of T said…
I really can't say what's prettier, the gorgeous trees or the stunning cars!
MarmiteToasty said…
wow, what a great photo :)

Wendster said…
Could you have been any luckier, finding those red cars under that beautiful red tree?

Love those leaves.

Good job, as per usual Miss Pamela, with that photo. I love them all.
carmilevy said…
Lovely! Neat juxtaposition of technology and nature...perfectly composed!

Small coincidence: the Camaro was built in a GM plant about a 10-minute drive from where I grew up. The plant has since been closed and demolished, but it was a big presence in my 'burg when I was growing up.
Christy Woolum said…
I have loved these red posts all over the blogworld. There is nothing like red to spice up your page. Great photo.

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