Birds in Flight

Our state lottery commercial that doesn't make a lot of sense.

But, it appeals to my inner bird.


willowtree said…
Who comes up with this stuff? (but I really liked it though)
Gattina said…
Unfortunately I can't see what appeals to your inner bird (didn't even know you owned one) because the video wouldn't load. You know the golden teeth is not a sign of beauty for these "country" people but a sign of being rich ! They don't trust banks ! Really that still exists ! Don't forget they were locked into another world for decades ! First the tsars then the communists.
Shelby said…
I do like the flying. cute cute .. I feel whispy and light all of a sudden.

But it doesn't make me wanna buy a lottery ticket.

(although I wouldn't mind winning)
kitten said…
Very sweet video. I get the gest of the video, but doesn't mean everyone will win. LOL!
I really do like the the video!
darkfoam said…
lol ..
poor hapless penguin ..
or confused penguin ..
it was trying to use it's wings. that's so cute.
i must not have an inner bird in me. i think i'd be afraid up there.
i do get the video though.
my uncle in germany once won with his lottery ticket ..
a couple of german marks, if i remember correctly.
i remember benefiting from that since i was the recipient of that money which was enough to buy a couple of candy bars.
Jenni said…
That is a very strange commercial indeed. Do you think flightless birds would really be thrilled to finally be able to fly or would they just be freaked out at being strapped to a human and that high from the ground? Is it anthropomorphizing too much to think all birds want to fly? I just don't know. If only we could peer into their little bird brains and see what they're thinking. It's a cute commercial, though:o)
coooool commercial. but ... uh ... for the lottery? yeah, i don't get it either.

but i still liked it.
LadyStyx said…
Me neither, Im not really inspired to get a lottery ticket. But I did love the fact they used flightless birds and gave them the chance to take wing....
Jan said…
I really liked it. I guess I have an inner bird, too.
Anonymous said…
That video gave me goose bumps? why? because the cute little penguin was flapping its wings.
Very strange lottery commercial, but it was neat.
Anonymous said…

Did not expect that...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
A Spot of T said…
I'm amazed those birds looked surprisingly calm. That little penguin with his wings out?!! So cute!
MarmiteToasty said…
I love it LOL my Janet would love to get the opportunity to fly lmfao

Karen said…
What an adorable commercial :)
Unknown said…
Very cool! You're right that it doesn't make much sense for lottery but I like it!
Desert Songbird said…
And to think, some ad agency got a ton of money to think up that campaign. Huh.
Tiggerlane said…
OMG...I LOVED THAT!! I was thinking, watching the chicken, that these guys would REALLY be something if they...OMG...YES...OSTRICH! SCORE!!!

Great - put a great big smile on my face. I think it was the flapping penguin that sent me over the edge.
Anonymous said…
That appealed to my inner bird as well. I think my eyes misted watching those birds look around. Especially the penguin with his little wings spread out just so.
Anonymous said…
I saw this the other night and found it amusing. I love the look on the penguin and chicken's faces.

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