Here goes...

I quit my job.

It wasn't something I planned.

A voice said "I quit." When I turned around to see who had spoken, there was no one to claim the decision except me.

If your own words and actions are unrecognizable, then it is time for search and rescue. (Before it becomes just a recovery operation.)

Tomorrow will be my first day unemployed.

Yes, it is very poor timing.

No, I don't have a solid grasp on my compass.

Maybe, it will all work out for the best for everyone.

Here goes...


Anonymous said…
That's some big news! Good Luck! I'm sure everything is going to work out for the best.
Amanda said…
I think it was the best decision, Mom. You weren't happy there.

I know you'll be okay. In fact, you'll be better than okay.

We look forward to seeing you guys in a few days.

I love you.
willowtree said…
Holy smoke! That came out of the blue! Although it may not have if you ever got on to G-Talk.

Good for you!
Desert Songbird said…
It's a leap of faith, Pamela. Trust that is was the right decision.
wow! good for you... and best of luck!
darkfoam said…
i do hope it works out for the best!
it's miserable to stay in a job that is not right for you..
Shelby said…
I would not go back to any job that I have quit. Quitting is risky yes, but it is a launching pad into one's own direction. This can be wonderful for you. It really can. Savor it - and move on.


You'll do well.

Hang on. The future is coming :)
DesLily said…
I hope you find something you like, or can afford to "retire".. either way it's got to be better than being miserable at the job you were at.
karisma said…
Those spur of the moment decisions are usually the ones that work out best. Obviously its time for new beginnings! I hope you find what you are looking for. Hugs xxx
Mozi Esme said…
Wahoo! Just take a deep breath and enjoy the feeling of freedom for the moment! You've got the rest of your life to stress over the consequences!
LadyStyx said…
Wow! You know a job's gotten really bad when that happens. *HUGZ*
storyteller said…
I did this once … decades ago … and things DID work out for the best. I hope all goes well for you … and I’ll be praying that it does because following your heart (intuition?) is always best ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Ian said…
That's scary but exciting. If you were in a job you hated so much you were willing to quit instead of give notice, then I think you did the right thing. You're way too sharp to come out of this anywhere but with both feet on the ground. :)
Anonymous said…
And now you get to come see the grandbabies for Thanksgiving!!!!! And - I think you are going to be much happier that you are out of there. Happier? Well - maybe much less stressed is the word too.
Claudia said…
Wow!!! That's big news!! It sounds like you heart spoke for you before you could think about it....
I bet you'll be just fine
Amanda said…
And this means you get to explore other avenues in your life. (Perhaps you should see about writing for the paper? You love to write and ou are good at it! Or maybe you should just start working on a geneaology book!) I think this will be the perfect time for you to start experimenting and loving your experiences. :)
Beckie said…
Wow - I will take a positive view and say Congratulations! It is a new beginning!
ChrisB said…
Life is too short to stay in a job where you are unhappy. So I say good luck this is the first day of the rest of of your life-and new beginnings are exciting!
Anonymous said…
Wow, Pamela...that IS big!

a) I'm praying for you (already have been because of some other things you've said...)

b) I think it was your heart old door close so new ones could open.

c) Looking forward to your new adventures...we'll be a huge cheerleading section! {{hugs}}

Anonymous said…
Wow. Does it help that you totally won my tumor naming contest with B-9? Because that should TOTALLY make up for something, right? Email me and I guess I'll just send you a new job for your "prize" (just kidding, although you could totally have my job should you want to live in OK).

It will all work out, but still... wow.
tlawwife said…
Can't wait to hear what is around the corner. I know you will make the best of it.
Jan said…
Hope this works for you. I'm sure it will. I think change is good, especially when we're not happy.
carmilevy said…
I admire your courage. I've always been taught to go with my gut. And the times when I stayed in jobs that really weren't me were definitely low points in my career and life. Every time I've listened to that voice, however, great things have happened.

I empathize on so many levels, and will be thinking of you in the days and weeks to come.
Heather Plett said…
I hope the right thing is just around the corner for you.
Carole Burant said…
They say everything happens for a reason so maybe it was the right thing to do to quit your job. Here's to new adventures:-) xoxo
sallywrites said…
It was the right decision I am sure. Gut instincts are always the best...

As for timing... I believe that there is a reason for everything. It may be bad economically and globally, but perhaps for you personally there is a reason.. Perhaps there is something just around the corner for you.......

Good luck though!! And enjoy the time off...
Mercy's Maid said…
I will say congratulations! I'm sure there are big things in store for you.
Tomarrow is the first day of the rest of your life! At least you didn't sing the old Willie Nelson song right out loud.. Take this job and shove it!
I hope you will be okay, think positive! :)
Peter said…
Congratulations Pamela, it must have been needed to be said or you wouldn't have said it, have faith in it being right.
kitten said…
I believe all things happen for a reason and a purpose even if we don't don't know the why at the time.
You have done what most of us would like to have had the guts to do many times. Take your time and choose what is right for you! Good luck - and enjoy your time off until you find the perfect thing.
A Spot of T said…
No doubt there was a very good reason for you quitting so I say good for you for leaving instead of staying in something you weren't happy with. So I'm adding to what everyone else here is saying and wishing you lots of good luck with whatever else comes your way!!
Anonymous said…
Best of luck to you - your well being and peace of mind are precious - and leaving an unpleasant situation (and it must have been) is a step in a positive direction. Enjoy the freedom and new opportunities
Hayden said…
let me join the "WOW" chorus!

You GO girl! When your mouth speaks up like that without planning, it's past time to leave.
Kim said…
That's amazing. Sending you the best. You've got guts, girl.
Stacey Olson said…
Well, I am a complete stranger so my opinion may count for Nill. But I am a strong believer in "life is too short to be unhappy" You were looking for a job when you found that one, Maybe I am speaking out of turn, don't even know what you job was, but good luck with your future, you can be and do anything now.. follow your dreams and live life to the fullest.
Ali said…
I did a similar thing two and a half years ago. I felt like a ten ton weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I never looked back. neither will you. i wish you well in your decision and your future
Anonymous said…
When's the celebration party?
Anonymous said…
Wow! That's so brave of you! I give you credit for doing what you want with the hope of better things yet to come.
Anonymous said…
Wow, way to go, I think. Unemployment can be a good thing, and it can lead to other things. Good luck in your new adventure.
Wendster said…

That's the stuff!

You GO girl.
Sometimes the best life decisions are the ones that creep out of us when we're hardly looking. Best wishes for whatever lies ahead.
Debbie said…
After reading the commens it sounds like you weren't happy there. I hope for you the very best on your next endeavor.
Unknown said…
Wow and cool and scary! Amazing!

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