Olive You Grandma

Olive you too, Buttercup!


kitten said…
That is so sweet! I'm so glad your getting to enjoy yours for the Holidays!
Hope yall had a great Thanksgiving!
Anonymous said…
Mmmmm. Good taste, Buttercup, I love black olives too!
Biker Betty said…
What a wonderful photo!! Brings back memories as a kid and loving to eat olives off of my fingers at Thanksgiving. Hope your Thanksgiving was great!! We had a really good one.
ChrisB said…
I love the photo but actually the only way I like olives is in *oil*
Anonymous said…
This just reminded me that I forgot to put the olives out! LOL

She's adorable, as I'm sure you are well aware of!
Unknown said…

You're a winner! http://lisaschaos.com/a-group-of-winners/
Kim said…
My daughter used to put olives on her fingertips at that age, too. Now, at 17, she just opens the can and eats them all. Quite boring.
A Spot of T said…
Well doesn't that just melt your heart! So cute!
Cute! My daughter still does this at 33, brings back great holiday memories for me:)
darkfoam said…
what's not to olive?

Debbie said…
Tee hee. So sweet. :)
Karen said…
What a doll! One more week and I get to see my granddaughter! Yay!
M@ said…
Does Buttercup EVER wear thin with you, Pam?
Beckie said…
Looks like she was a couple of olives short...
Amanda said…
Why are her hands all wet? lol
Olive juice?

We loved seeing you guys. Curly Mop absolutely loves gma and gpa time.
Masago said…
Cute. I see Grandma in this... :-)
Gaynor said…
Lovely photo Pam and oh so cute. I've only just started eating olives since coming to Germany, now I can't get enough of them. So, I would have put grapes on my fingers!!!
DesLily said…
too cute..

my niece (who passed away from Lupus) always got her fingers into the black olives that way! It must be a little girl thing! lol
Debs said…
That is a great pic. She is too darn cute!
Here I thought that was a family custom known only to my husband's family.............apparently it's world-wide. How cute!
Anonymous said…
Since I'm commenting on "The Dust Will Wait" under a comment from "The Dishes Will Wait" about some olives stuck on a cuties fingers, guess I'll go make me an extra dirty martini.
Anonymous said…
Pam, she is so cute! I love the caption.
Coffeypot said…
I think she has your eyes - and her mouth is open, too.
Anonymous said…
Olives are fun to play with. I prefer green ones myself ;)
Ingrid said…
How cute !! I am suffering ! from 84 to 35 in one day, feel like living on the North Pole !
MarmiteToasty said…

Olive a pint.. :)

Christy Woolum said…
This is when I miss the younger years with my nieces! I hope you had a blessed holiday.
Shelby said…
absolutely precious!
Betty said…
What a sweet picture. Of your granddaughter I assume. She's beautiful.

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, Pamela, and that your week has gotten off to a good start.
Alison said…
she is adorable....we still put olives on our fingers in this house!!!
Faye said…
What a good use for black olives! Did you enjoy this little munchkin's company throughout the holiday? I've noticed a lot of grams getting to play in recent posts--much better that being the martyr cook for the holidays--and more memorable for the kids, I'm sure.
Tammy said…
So cute... I tried to tell my six year old that all kids just have to put olives on their fingers at Thanksgiving, but she doesn't like them so refused! ;)
Carla said…
What a fabulous photo!
karisma said…
Love it! Just another little proof that we must be somehow related! Im sure we are! I mean really we have to be right? Either that or Karmyn and myself are dopplegangers from another planet!

Albeit, Buttercup is still very little but she is shaping up to be just like one of Karisma's kids! (Karmyn! Take her to church! Right now! Before its too late! Save her!)
carmilevy said…
It's photos like this that remind me why being a child is such a magical time - and why having precious time like this with grandparents is so very important.

I remember moments like this when I visited my grandparents, and they helped form the person I ultimately became.
Attie said…
OOHh that is precious!!!
Anonymous said…
She is beautiful. My kids would play with the olives rather than eat them too.

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