Poster Boy

The Caboose , the youngest grandson, wearing his cozy little sweater knit by Karisma and mailed all the way from Australia.

He's a happy one - in spite of what you see in the picture above - and reminds me so much of the his mom at that age.


Anonymous said…
Maybe he just didn't want his picture taken? hee hee
kitten said…
He is beautiful!
That was so sweet of Karisma!
karisma said…
Awwww! Hes a sweetie pie! And handsome to boot!
Jenni said…
What a handsome boy--even when he's fussy. That sweater is beautiful too!
Anonymous said…
Such an expression! Love the eyebrows.
Anonymous said…
Wow! I can't believe she made that! How SPECIAL! And he looks darlin', fussy or not, bald or bawling. I bet he's doing that cause you just squished those cheeks!

Precious...adorable...kissable...the adjectives could go on FOREVER!

(I'm missing babies right now....:/)
ChrisB said…
I love that picture- I have given you a little something at my place.
darkfoam said…
and what a handsome pair of genes they are ..
the wee gene is absolutely darling ..
and the sweater just beautiful..
LadyStyx said…
Awwwww how ~cute~ !
Anonymous said…
Well, of course I'M impartial - but I think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
A Spot of T said…
How come when I'm fussy I don't look that cute?! Just saying. Gorgeous little sweater, it looks so good on him.
Amanda said…
Well, they are both JUST precious.
Anonymous said…
Awww, what a very special gift!

Your photo caption is hilarious!!
Attie said…
Aww thats cute!!!
Anonymous said…
How I love a clever play on words...and the photo it illustrates...precious!
Unknown said…
He looks a little concerned but his sweater is great!
Anonymous said…
Oh I love the poster!!! Perfect - and what a cutie pie :)
Carla said…
He's a cute one.
Betty said…
Your grandson is adorable. Nice sweater, too.
Hayden said…
what a great shot!
Anonymous said…
He is adorable and what a nice outfit he is wearing.
Anonymous said…
What a sweet Karisma we all have in our lives...even if she lives half way under the world.

Cute "expression" on that face. Makes me want to give him a little squeeze.
Alison said…
what a sweetheart, the sweater is gorgeous too!!
kitten said…
My mom has been a nurse over 44 years, so I've seen all kinds of docs and know some of what they go through, but that is still my baby even though he is 15. :) I know what cha was saying.
Tammy said…
What a cutiepie he is! Even when he's crying...I just want to cuddle him!

(And thank you for those flattering words on my post...made my day!) :)
karisma said…
Haha! Dinoboy begs to differ on Aunty Swampies comment! We do not live halfway under the world, we live on Top of the Hill!!!!!
Desert Songbird said…
In spite of this photo, I know he's a sweetheart.
MarmiteToasty said…
oh how I love the photos that dont just show the happy smiley faces of our children :)

Wendster said…
Did you think up that caption?

It certainly sports your wit.

What a fabulous sweater! Caboose is a cutie for sure.

I still remember guessing his birth date. .... wrong! ha.

Great photo.

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