Wordless Wednesday - First Snowfall


Heather said…
Yay for snow! To those of us living in Texas, it looks like cotton.
Hey, I just realized--I'm the first commenter! Yay for me!
willowtree said…
I was going to say they looked like cotton too, but Heather beat ne to it, so I'll just say there snow place like home.
Anonymous said…
WOW! And you capture it beautifully!:)
Mine is up here;
Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
beautiful, and congratulations!!
Stephanie said…
Just beautiful! This may be a silly question (I'm also more familiar with cotton fields than snow), but did the snow hurt your flowers?
Anonymous said…
What a lovely photo you got here!... How I wish to see those snow fall... Too bad I wasn't able to experience it during my stay at Japan!... Anyway, mine is here...


Have a nice great day!...c",)
WendyWings said…
Beautiful, it does not snow here in the city I live in. My youngest has never seen snow even from a distance.
Happy WW to you.
Natalie said…
That's a pretty picture! We'll be seeing our first snow soon, maybe even tomorrow. Sigh...my WW is up too!
Pamela said…
Willowtree: And there Snow business like show business ha ha

what you thought were flowers is actually the fall red leaves of the barberry - preparing to fall off
Anonymous said…
Add me to the list of those who thought it looked like cotton! Happy Thanksgiving.
Gill said…
A lovely photo - I am deeply envious, we don't get snow here and my 12 yo daughter is just desperate to see snow!
gloria said…
beautiful shot. happy WW
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous! (Although I'm dreading it happening here - LOL)

So sorry for not being around lately, been taking care of grandma every day.

I am so grateful for the wonderful friends I've made on the Internet - like you! God bless you, darlin', and best wishes to you and your family for a great Thanksgiving!
D. Renee Bagby said…
FIRST SNOW!! (Mine at any rate.) Very nice.

Happy WW
Peter said…
Wordless Comment.
Gattina said…
How awful !!! Snow !! (sorry, but I hate it !)
Anonymous said…
Are you kidding me? It's snowing already?

BTW, did you know there's a blog called The Dust Bunnies Will Wait? hee hee
Anonymous said…
is that an early snow? I hope the blooms stay longer..

nice capture..and happy WW!
Anonymous said…
I love your site! It's beautiful. I love snow too. I'm jealous.
M@ said…
Beautiful! Pam, I peeked out my window this morning, hoping for a little dusting of snow.

I forgot I'd been in the mid-Atlantic for seven years now and that global warming is bringing less and less snow each year to the northeast, it seems.

That is a great shot.
Anonymous said…
I live in Central Arkansas so we don't see a lot of snow but there is "suppose" to be some in the forecast later this week. I'm from New York so I really miss all the snow!! Love the photo!
Anonymous said…
You know me...I have issues with snow envy...doing my best just to appreciate its beauty...far, far away ;).

Gosh, it makes for a beautiful photograph!
Serena said…
Wow, that is snow on flowers? Lovely. :)

Heather Plett said…
That's very much how it looks around here today too.
Unknown said…
Happy WW & Thanksgiving! Great WW photo! We had our first flurries last week here in Cincinnati, OH...

My WW post featured actor killed off this week on The Unit television show. Don't tell anyone, but, I cried at the end (sigh).

peace, Villager
Sandy said…
As another Texan, I also was about to make the cotton comment. We are expecting our first snow this weekend and CANNOT wait! 85 yesterday with a predicted high today of 40. I believe winter may be nigh.
Judypatooote said…
What a beautiful picture...they are talking about snow tonight here in toledo...but it will probably be gone by morning...mixed with leaves it don't look so good..... have a happy Thanksgiving Pamela.... judy
Gattina said…
Wikipedia gives a good explanation of the whirling Dervishes they were wise men in Turkey but in Egypt I only know them as dancers nothing religious.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful. Enjoy and Happy WW to you.
Anonymous said…
How cold is it there?
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous!!! Although I am so happy that the snow hasn't started here!
**"Liza"** said…
Ohhh snow..it looks like cotton..ohh wish it would snow here in Texas too..
Anonymous said…
wow that looks cold i hate snow
Rebecca said…
That's very pretty, I love the contrasting colors! Happy WW :P
What a beautiful photo.
Heart of Rachel said…
Such a nice photograph. Like the others, I also thought it's a cotton field.
So pretty! Thanks for sharing this one!
Very nice picture! You can keep the snow for now though ;)
tlawwife said…
We had a few flurries this morning too. Didn't last long though.
denz said…
wow! it's really nice picture ha! keep it up...

here is mine:
Wordless Wednesday...

Happy WW c",)
Beckie said…
We didn't get any here.
Kila said…
Did you have your first snowfall today, too? That's what I just wrote about. It's quite white and cold here. I like your photo better.
Carole Burant said…
May today and every day be blessed with simple, quiet moments of thanksgiving!! Happy Thanksgiving to my dear American friends from across the border:-) xoxo
Molly said…
Happy Thanksgiving Pamela, your first snowfall yielded more snow than ours. Is that a Barberry bush under the snow?
beautiful shot.

ALMOST makes me wish we got snow here... but not quite ;-)
Jodi said…
Beautiful photo, Pamela!
Shelby said…
beautiful snowy photo.. :)

hope Thanksgiving was terrific at your home!!
Hayden said…
wonderful to look at, miserable to shovel...
BarnGoddess said…
holy smokes! our first snow fell last night in Oklahoma of all places...

Im your 51st comment. You are a popular woman!
Susan in va said…
How beautiful...boy, I'm jealous. It did snow on our trip to Tennessee yesterday, though. Just not enough :(
Anonymous said…
Ooh, Pamela, that's gorgeous. I'm a little jealous. We got our tree yesterday and it was 73 degrees. Not the most Christmas-y weather. ;)
Gattina said…
You asked me if I have other post war stories of my childhood. today I posted another one.
Serina Hope said…
Absolutely perfect!!!!
my4kids said…
Pretty! I love snow!
Anonymous said…
That is pretty, like a cotton candy bush.

Oh and the "gift" I made is meant for decoration. Some of my recipients have displayed them year round.
Susie Q said…
Now this is so pretty...beauty in every season!
We had a few wet flurries on Thanksgiving Day, that's it so far!

Grace was so excited because she thought it would really snow!

I saw on a comment (Susie's blog I think) that you had been ill...hope that is behind you now! Feel better!

Bobbi said…
Oh, how I miss the first snowfall!
Anonymous said…
I love the look of that heavy sticky snow and how it clings to every branch. Lovely photo.
Unknown said…
Oh that's beautiful!

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