Pensieve's Poetic License

Robin(The Pensieve One) has invited us all to the debut of her first Pensieve's Poetic License. She's made it very easy by suggesting a simple Limerick about Thanksgiving. I've decided to join her group of rhyming bloggers and add my silly little offering.


Old Abe made a big proclamation
That “thanks” be the prayer of a nation
But Cranberries and yams
And turkeys and hams
Have since become glutinous temptation


Anonymous said…
OOOooooo, Pamela-jamma, you're #1 in OH! so many ways :).

This is PERFECT! I haven't even written "mine" yet, and I'm afraid I'll be totally intimidated by everyone else's!

THANK YOU for joining in this fun little poetic adventure. All smiles on my end :) :) :).
Hootin Anni said…
That is sooooooooooo good!! I love it.
Kelly Curtis said…
Love it, Pamela! Only you could get four-syllable words in a limerick, Ms. Thesaurus!

Of course I joined in as well;))
DesLily said…
lol how cute and how true!.. we all become glutinous at this time of year!
Gattina said…
Slowly, slowly I get happy that we don't have any Thanksgiving, lol ! When I read the blogs and all the mess around it I am really glad !
Pamela said…
Gattina: awww.. but some of my favorite memories are of family arriving and all of us sharing with cooking and baking.
and catching up on the past year - and remembering good times past.
And above all, knowing how much we all love each other.

So many are gone now -- and all we have are those memories. And that, my friend, is Thanksgiving in my heart.

Deslily: I'm going to only eat carrots .. oops my nose is growing.

Kelly: I don't understand the words, I just see one and like the way it rolls around my tongue Like pumdilliciouskin pie.

Robin: Now that's skirt blowin -- fortunately I never wear skirts anymore because I feel like a tea pot. Thank YOU for the fun exercise and I hope I will be able to play often.

Her indoors. So, are you coming for dinner? You would say the same thing about my sour cream raisin pie.
Nicely done with the multi-syllabic rhyming! *wink*
Amanda said…
Love it mama! And it's soooo true.
ChrisB said…
That sounds very apt. Excellent.
I'm going to my first American thanksgiving so I must make sure I don't get too tempted!
Hootin Anni said…
VERY good!!! Mine's posted tonight already.
Sandra Evertson said…
I Love your blog!
Love the banner too!
So very original and creative!
Sandra Evertson
M@ said…
Hmmmm, not your best work, Pam. :)
karisma said…
Wow, that was very creative. I am a bit stumped on this one and still have not written mine.

We do not celebrate thanksgiving either. Although I think thanksgiving is a lovely tradition.We have our Turkey at Christmas, I try to do the traditional dinner on xmas eve and then we have cold meats and salads for xmas day as its usually too hot and quite frankly I prefer to play with the kiddies rather than cook all day.
Anonymous said…
I'm rethinking my ability to be in this crowd. I was already intimidated to join and now you've gone and set the bar WAY high.

Well done.
C... said…
Good job! I like it.
Masago said…
Cheers to that!
PearLady said…
Yikes, this one's intimidating me. Good job, dusty one. ;)
Karina said…
OH, this was so good! Great job!!
Debs said…
So true. Great job! :)
Anonymous said…
Great limerick, the best I have seen in my travels. Of course they are all better than my 'no attempt at all' limerick.

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