Fun Monday #16, Your Spring Views
My friend Vicky, Catching Light, is the Host of Fun Monday #16. She is the accidental c
reator of Fun Monday, with input from Willowtree, down under, at A Dingo Got My Barbie.
Vicky says, "hhhh yes! The day finally has arrived. My noseyness can be satisfied until Summer.Today is the day I can peek through your door and see what you see everyday. It makes us BFF. It almost shows my stalker personality. It satisfies my sweet tooth. Makes me feel all cozy and warm inside when I get to peek into your world.'
So, here you are, dear Vicky, and all my other guests. E.N.J.O.Y
****Front Door West

Front Door North******
And this little guy greets you at the front door. The birds claimed it as bird bath; note, it is next to the feeders. We had some fantastic rain storms this spring, so I moved the feeders under the eaves to keep them dry.

****Front Door South (note, it's garbage morning)

Back Door East *****
Make sure to visit Vicky and find out who else is participating.
Happy Monday everyone.

Vicky says, "hhhh yes! The day finally has arrived. My noseyness can be satisfied until Summer.Today is the day I can peek through your door and see what you see everyday. It makes us BFF. It almost shows my stalker personality. It satisfies my sweet tooth. Makes me feel all cozy and warm inside when I get to peek into your world.'
So, here you are, dear Vicky, and all my other guests. E.N.J.O.Y
Front Door North******
****Front Door South (note, it's garbage morning)
Back Door East *****
Make sure to visit Vicky and find out who else is participating.
Happy Monday everyone.
Okay so what is the viny thing growing in the first picture?
Your backdoor view warms my heart.
BTW, how was the fishing??
I wish we had more birds!
We have a dove couple, and the ugly lugustrums in the front seem to be a daytime meeting/gossip spot for Texas mockingbirds (think bird water cooler).
The truth is that I need more trees. *SIGH*
Found you via Fun Monday!
Gaynor's right there is a NSW coastal feel to the place.
Purple? No, never wondered. Have you given it some thought? LOL!
Really a special place!
I love sharing this way...I need to do something like this!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!