Balloon Morning
Coffee on the patio in the gorgeous morning sun
Shining through transparent colors of a Hot Air Balloon above the rooftops
A bird ballet in the soft breeze
Accompanied by the tinkling melody that echoes off the waterfall
I would sit here all morning. Alas, I must go to work!
I want a waterfall now. I think I need one...
Beautiful and peaceful to watch.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day..
We have a thing called Balloons in June where 20-100 people blow up their hot air balloons... if it's not to windy. Last year was canceled, but its very pretty when we get to have it.
I can name that blog in six notes...;)
Enjoyed your spring views. Your neighborhood looks absolutely pastoral. So lovely.
As for storms, we've had a few this spring, but nothing too bad. It has rained here every day this week. The sun was actually shining when I got out of school today so I hurried home to mow the yard. I was almost finished when thunder rumbled and a downpour began.
heeeee heeee - I can't believe you let it really get THAT dusty!!!
Love the photo we have a big balloon fiesta here in Aug.