
Not a DUCK! from pamela on Vimeo.

Just got back from a 4 day road trip that included the beautiful Washington State coastline.


willowtree said…
Hmmm, very interesting, now if you just made the clip public it might be even more interesting!
karisma said…
Hey! Im pooped at the thought of 4 days travel! You ARE awesome!
ChrisB said…
So I'm wondering what you've recorded as it's private!!! :)
Janis said…
Unable to view the video, I am sure it's very interesting.
Looked like ducks to me. Whenever they flew overhead someone should holler, "duck" so you don't get pooped.
willowtree said…
You have the nicest voice. Maybe you should get a job at the GPS factory.
Claudia said…
Bring an umbrella!!! and Willow's right-you have a very nice voice! :)
grammy said…
Loved your laugh. I did see it. They just didn't wait long enough(o:
My little granddaughter that was 2 at the time, was feeding seagulls bread.... but they would't let her get close enough.... so she kept yelling, "Come on Guys!" and chasing them while I laughed my head off.
Kila said…
My boys would want to run right through the middle of them. Loved your laugh.
Peter said…
I guess its to early for fall colors yet Pamela?
LadyStyx said…
That's alotta flyin poop buckets...
Peter said…
Do we have WT to thank for all those clips being available? I've just watched the whole lot, very entertaining... Momma was a pretty HOT chick when the girls were young!!!!! not that she isn't hot now mind you.
Peter said…
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heather said…
How fun! (And beautiful.)
Any of them poop on you?
Gattina said…
Is this the second part of "The birds" from Hitchkock ? I am scared, lol !
ChrisB said…
I was too busy ducking must take another look. LOL.
Unknown said…
But more importantly did you get pooped on? lol

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