I Started Kindergarten

I started kindergarten this year.  I loved it.

I took a job as an on-call tutor this fall, but my first position fell into another category.

For three weeks I was assigned in a classroom with 26 adorable little tykes beginning their first year of school. 

I had the opportunity to watch an excellent teacher and assistant in concert.  Without raising their voices or showing any agitation, they directed those kids through the busy day.   They were always on stage and at peak performance.  I wondered where they got the energy. They were good.

I had a job to do, too.  But at the end of the day I was exhausted.  Even my face muscles were sore because my smile was constantly twitching.   

So, what are some of things I learned in kindergarten?
* Chika Chika Boom Boom
* I hold my crayon with the three magic fingers
* Don't throw the sawdust
* Sneeze into your elbow
*Don't run in the cafeteria -especially with chocolate milk
*Feet first on the slides
*Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
*Cupcakes on birthdays
*Raise your hand
*Manners Matter
*The bus kids get to line up first

I also learned that a kindergarten class is a huge cauldron of shared germs and viruses.  I have never seen so many boogers... or mucous covered cheeks and fingers. 

One day I felt someone tugging on my shirt.  It was a little girl wiping her noise. On me.

The past week I have been blowing mine, too.  (In tissue.)  I've also had a sore throat, cough, and general aches and pains. 

Yet... I'd do it all over again.


Karmyn R said…
Well, I've got a kindergartner here who'd LOVE for you to come to her class!!!
willowtree said…
I wouldn't do it once, let alone all over again. Kids are just noisy germ buckets.
tlawwife said…
I soooo admire kindergarten teachers!!
LadyStyx said…
I remember my days working in a school. The little ones always wanted to hang all over me when they weren't well. Mind you, I was in and out of 25 classrooms plus 4 offices all day long.... No wonder I was always the one to come down sick first.
jill said…
I have always held my pencils with the wrong final finger and have a big bump to prove it (which has gone down considerably considering a don't write much anymore)
Shelby said…
oh you are a N A T U R A L..


love that you loved it!
I did this, when my kids were youngsters. The school began a program during the late 60's, early 70's, for volunteer teacher aides. I was a teacher aide when my second daughter started K, then when my youngest started K, I was library aide. These were two wonderful "jobs", I enjoyed so much. I'd do it again, too! I even rode the bus a time or two!
DesLily said…
LOL love the little kid wiping her nose on your shirt LOL..but not happy you have caught something.. as we "mature" getting sick can take it's toll so be careful, carry and use hand sanitizer constantly and take lots more vitamin C~.. mother has spoken lol
Gattina said…
I am convinced you had a lot of fun, so would I, and why not use my t-shirt for nose cleaning, hahaha !

Willow tree has just forgotten that she also was a "noisy germ bucket", we all started life like that.
Beckie said…
I hate to say this, but I agree with WT.

I'm glad there are people in the world, like you, that enjoy working with kids ~ Thanks!
Kim said…
I love the little ones, but past second grade, no thank you. My mother is a teacher. When I was still at home, she taught fifth grade. After I'd started college, I subbed for her. Once. Little monsters. I'd rather sub high school band! (And did.) I knew from an early age I'd never be a teacher.

My mother always said that if you get through your first year in the classroom, you'll rarely get sick again! Feel better soon.
ChrisB said…
Wiping her nose on you! -LOL I remember it well. I loved working with children that age.
Carla said…
There is a reason elementary teachers get sick so often. And I had no idea that I had three magic fingers. Cool.
Diane said…
Eventually you will become immune... to the sniffles :)Enjoy!
Janis said…
Yep little germ bombs they are...sorry you caught something already, hope your better soon.
grammy said…
Wow what fun. Hard work too. I was impressed that the teacher always keeps her cool. I find myself with less patients all the time. A very germy place (o:
My daughter is working as a para in a special needs class this year and it is a lot of hard work... I will have to blog about it sometime.
kindergarten is a very educational -- and germy -- experience, for sure!
Intense Guy said…
I hope you enjoy every day of the new school year!

...and don't sneeze into your elbow! LOL!
nikki said…
I wish you could be in Aaron's class. I'd love to know what he does all day long. He conveniently forgets everyday what he does.
Unknown said…
Oh boy does that remind me of the days my wife was a Pre-K teacher, 25 years of it. I personally would have been a walking basket case but she just loves children and misses them deeply. Congrats and good luck.
Unknown said…
You learned an awful lot in three short weeks. :) How fun!
Sayre said…
Oh! "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" is a GREAT book! My son absolutely adored it when he was little. We loaned it to my granddaughter and never got it back. Ever hear Ray Charles doing that book? It's great!
bichonpawz said…
Well...good for you Pamela! I couldn't do it...no way! I do not have the patience for it. Can you say "sensory overload"???? Glad that you are enjoying your new job!
Sounds like you learned alot! Hope you don't get too sick..they are germy...but fun! :)
Peter said…
I thought the kid wiping her noise on you was bad enough, then several readers this as she wiped her nose on you... EEEWWK, but the killer line by Gattina that Willow tree had forgotten that "she" was noisy germ bucket once!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
A told B and B told C, I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree!
Kila said…
26 in one classroom? Yikes, that's a busy, noisy place! How blessed they were to have you!
Carole Burant said…
When my boys were in kindergarten, I used to go help the teacher any time there were any activities she needed help with and I so loved watching all the little ones. Oh yes, I do remember the runny noses as well and them using whatever was available to wipe them! lol xoxo
MarmiteToasty said…
LOL@wiping her nose on you..... was ya full of bogeys by the end of the day......

Ive just put my name down on all the schools lists for an LSA job.... I would of loved to of been a teacher, but alas that opportunity was never there for me.... I need to find other work beside the little bit of childminding I now have.... so, schools are my first choice....

Sounds like you had a knackering day LOL

Robinella said…
Snot! hand sanitizer and tissues were listed first on our school supplies list for K.

They are lucky to have you. And your shirt.
Susie Q said…
You lucky thing you and how lucky arethose kids to have YOu there!
I adore kids and pre-K and K were my specialities. LOVED being with them. 5th graders are not as cute or fun. Phooey.

LOVED your What I learned in Kindergarten list...
dawn said…
Sounds like a lot of things to learn. This morning's tour of grade 3 students was accompanied by a great teacher and I told her so. Most of the 20 kids seemed to have a bit of ADHD and yet she kept them very in line and still had fun with them. She said they are learning and this was their first field trip and a determining factor in whether they would have others based on behaviour. I am sure she will take them out again.

Thank you.

Wendster said…
chicka chicka boom boom will there be enough room?

Great story. yours, that is. Sounds like you really had a great time.

I can't believe that little girl wiped her nose on your shirt! Wow!~

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