Fun Monday - Still hot for Starman

Ari, the author of Beyond My Slab, has asked Fun Monday participants to click their heels three times and become a favorite character in a movie.

This was an easy confession for me, as I coughed this up once before in a Fun Monday about childhood crushes. This movie was released in 1984  --  and I fell in love with Karen Allen's character.  Not because she inspired me in any form.  It was because she got to embrace a naked alien Starman, played by Jeff Bridges. Who, incidentally, was really hot at the time.

Ari ...not only did I click my heels, but I did a little clicking with my mouse in photo shop. 

Starman: Shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you? You are at your very best when things are worst.

Now, you're invited to beam over to Ari's and check out some other Star choices!


darkfoam said…
ohhhhhh ..... what a good choice!
willowtree said…
Boy, talk about burning your Bridges! That was the movie on a flight I took to LA once, it turned along and uncomfortable flight into an excruciatingly painful one.
Peter said…
Good clickin' Pamela, we were on the same wave length... "who will this choice connect me with?"
Kim said…
I loved that movie!
Christy Woolum said…
Man... I was right with you. I also had a major crush on him and I don't know how many times I watched the movie. Great minds think alike!
grammy said…
I remember that movie. I will have to try to find it. Yes, he was hot (o:
I really laughed as I read your last post. You are a great writer...very funny. By the way, only a man would dare to think of telling a woman something like that. He may have meant well ( in another universe) but it was one of the things Mothers tell their sons never to say to a "Are you pregnant?" Never in your right mind say that (o:
Reminds me of being in a crowded restroom with 3 year old granddaughter. She is staring at a woman's belly and finally asks loud enough for the whole bathroom to hear..."Do you have a baby in your tummy?" Good grief there was no way out.
Janis said…
Oh...I loved that movie and you are so right....Jeff Bridges was a real hottie back then. Happy FM
Shelby said…
I have never even heard of this movie.. but the shot looks very steamy indeed. :)
margaret said…
I'm with Shelby above - I haven't heard of the movie, but hubba hubba! Hello, is it hot in here? *fanning myself* Great choice, myst check it out! Thanks!
Unknown said…
I remember the movie but had forgotten Bridges was Starman! You look perfect there!
wendishness said…
Brilliant idea, I was originally thinking of doing something along the same lines but thought I'd better behave myself ;-)
Jill said…
I wouldnt want to trade I like my life! So I didnt play this week. wonder what next week will be?
Unknown said…
I'm sorry Pam but Jeff Bridges did nothing for me. Now Mary Tyler Moore I was madly in love with. Then there was Susanne Pleshette with her deep sultry voice. OH MAMA.
Intense Guy said…
Karen Allen was pretty hot herself!

I loved the saucy wench she played in Animal House.
Sayre said…
How nice that you could be in his arms at last!!! AND turn back the hands of time!
Molly said…
Yes, Jeff Bridges did look mighty fine Starman.
Ari_1965 said…
Isn't Photoshop fun? I hadn't thought of this movie in years. I remember I enjoyed it.
bichonpawz said…
Look at you!!! A Photoshop Professional!! I've decided it's too complicated to figure out right now...
Gattina said…
I don't know this movie, but I think it's never to late to embrace a naked alien without photoshopping, lol !

Aliens like this one would please me too, ETs are not so sexy.
LadyStyx said…
I loved that movie.
DesLily said…
I still love this movie!!! and you are so right Jeff Bridges was ummm really handsome lol
Kailani said…
I totally remember this movie! :-)
karisma said…
I loved that movie! It was pretty good for its time hey?
Anonymous said…
he really was hot! I love that you photo shopped it! you're a riot!

Happy Wednesday!
xoxo Helene
Hot clicks, my friend!! Seriously. Hot. Clicks!!!
What an interesting crush..I never did like the guys with the bald chests, or the ones that might be younger than me:)
Wendster said…
We sure do love hot guys, don't we?

Mmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I don't know who I'd be...or what movie I'd hop into. But for YOU, young lady? Gettin' nekkid w/Jeff Bridges? lol, I missed that the first time and can't imagine you admitting to such sauciness this time!!

Nice photoshopping!

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