The Sting


No -- I didn't get up on a ladder.  I tried to use an old canon zoom lens from our old film camera -- but I couldn't get a good focus.

The colors are striking in the wasp paper.

Little venomous artists.


willowtree said…
We get mud wasps here, not quite as interesting
cherie said…
wow, i got a wrens' nest, and you got a wasps'! good shots, ms. pam!
Shelby said…
fantastic shots!
Kim said…
What great pictures. That nest is kind of beautiful. We have muddobbers, mostly. There are some red wasps that make paper nests, but they aren't the same design nor nearly as pretty.
nikki said…
Paper wasps are evil. We had a HUGE nest at our old house that we didn't know about until they tried to attack a neighbor boy.
Jenni said…
I think those are either bald (or white) faced hornets or yellow jackets.
They sure make cool nests!

The most common type of wasp around here is the mud dauber. We find their nests all over and they frequently get trapped in the house. I usually just let them buzz around on the upper windows until they eventually keel over. The only time one of us has been stung is when a half dead wasp was on our bed one night and we didn't realize it. Danny flopped down right on top of it.

I know there are paper wasps out here, too, since I often see their abandoned nests, but I don't know if I've ever seen the insects themselves.
Connie said…
That is a HUGE nest, honey! Hubby knocks them down regularly around here although we don't get them that big. He also sprays the heck out of them and them truly does work.....
Janis said…
OUCH! That is huge. I just learned alot about wasps. Really never viewed their nest as a work of art..but it really is when you look close. Great photos, good thing you had a zoom lens.
grammy said…
I had one of those earlier this summer. It was built around a ...bird house... had to throw the whole mess away. Silly things. They have stung one of the kiddos in the back yard, so I have to be on the look out for them.
Gattina said…
My son once found an empty wasp nest, it really looks very strange. He kept it for quite a long time and it looked exactly like on your photos. I wonder if we still have it in our basement. It had a lot of success in his school, the teacher was pleased to show it around.
ChrisB said…
We have lots of wasps around this year, but haven't noticed any nests. I hate them but at the same time find them fascinating. You got good shots.
JoeinVegas said…
It does look pretty (and pretty big)
karisma said…
Scary! We always get wasps around our house because I don't spray. Considering I am allergic to the sting its pretty silly hey? I just don't have the heart to kill all the other bugs too.
Great looking nest! You did real well with the photos..I agree evil little things..:(
Karmyn R said…
Instead of the camera - I would have had the spray out.
DesLily said…
ouch! yellow jackets are nasty, nasty, nasty!
Peter said…
That nest looks big enough to hold a whole mess of troubles Pamela, sprays the way.
LadyStyx said…
Dang. Wouldn't have caught me even THAT close!
Carla said…
Absolutely stunning. Glad no one was stung. Nothing like a good zoom lens.
We had a big wasps nest here last summer. I don't like wasps... I was stung by one when I was 12!
kailani said…
Wow, I've never seen a nest up close like that. Scary!
laurie said…
oh, god---when i lived in duluth i had one of these in my shed. i waited until it was forty below zero before i dared to get rid of it.

it looked like a severed head, hanging on the wall.
Intense Guy said…
Very nice pictures. :) I have some sort of wasps living in the eave where it meets the chimney. They don't bother me - so they get free room and board.
Unknown said…
These are scary and awesome!
Helene said…
wow, scary but makes for a wonderful close up shot!!

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