Scar Face. Sort of.

Lil Mouse asked that we share our SCARS for entertainment on this Fun Monday. It is a true blessing that I'm away from home and am having computer problems. That makes it unlikely that I could take any photos and download them.

I'm more than happy to tell you about my battle etchings, though.

I have a scar in my eyebrow as a result of bending over and trying to scalp myself on a hose holder on the patio. It was late, I didn't flip the outdoor light. Fortunately I was able to find my way back in by the the shining of all the stars I was seeing. It bled a lot but I didn't get stitches. Now my eyebrow grows weird on that side.

I have several scars on my face. One from chicken pox. I think it's sort of lost significance in the last few years, or been superseded by an age spot.

My stomach has surgery scars. Twice I've gone under the knife there. Rather clever designs, really.

(sing along now: She once swept an Admiral clear off his feet. The ships on her hips made his heart skip a beat. Okay -- enough of Lydia the Tattooed Lady.)

The largest scar by far is on my left ankle and leg. Six plus years ago I broke the L out of my tibia and it is now held together by metal. It's ugly and you can actually see the bumpy screws and scar tissue just under the skin.

There are several scars on my feet, including between two toes where a surgeon also filleted me.

And last... but not least. Do stretch marks count as scars?


karisma said…
LOL! No stretch marks don't count! We all have them I think! CG has a scar in her eyebrow too. She climbed up her bookcase when she was little and fell and cut her eyelid on the toybox. I blame the scar on the glue they used to fix it. She also has a wonky eyebrow! LOL
Janis said…
Hee he, I didnt include stretch marks me they are badges of joy. Wow, you broke your tibia..the very same thing just recently happened to my girlfriend. She had a long and rough recovery. That is one of my biggest fears as I get older and that is falling. Thanks for sharing your scars with us. Happy FM
Mercy Pam, talk about battle wounds. Cheryl has so many that I don't think I would remember them all. She has a funky eyebrow also from melanoma surgery. Here I thought it was just from you women giving your husbands the "eye".
Jill said…
happy fun monday and thanks for playing along! I forgot i have a funky thing on one eyelid from running into some berry briars at a friend's house. I think maybe there's something stuck in there, either that or it just is like a spider vein on my eyelid!
ChrisB said…
Ha ha I didn't think about stretch marks. Your tibia break makes my little scars seem very tame by comparison-not that this is a competition LOL.
Connie said…
Yeah, I got the filet treatment and scars to prove he "improved" my feet, sugar! Improve is a relative term I'm finding out! They don't FEEL any better. Scars??? No, I don't have any unless wrinkles count!
Coffeypot said…
Stretch marks are 'Love Highways on the Belly' created by the swelling of love and the decline after delivery of that love.

Or they are just funny white lines that add to your character.
Kila said…

I say stretch marks should count.
Sayre said…
I have plenty of stretchmarks... but I have even more scars! None are in my eyebrows though - they just grow that way!

I finally posted!
Living Life said…
Wow! You certainly do have alot of character marks. As I age, I like to think that my wrinkles count as scars!
Gattina said…
My goodness, reading you I get the impression that you have scars all over like a pirate, lol ! (although I never saw one)
LadyStyx said…
I'm all for those stretch marks counting! No all of us got 'em from having kids ya know.
cherie said…
this is a fun post, ms. pam! i have tummy and hand scars!
Desert Songbird said…
Of COURSE stretch marks count! They're known as "battle scars."
Faye said…
My stretch marks are further south than the ones you get along with a cute babe! They count as "badges of dishonor"--perhaps could cover them with some of Lydia's tattoos? I too have a landscaping scar over my eyebrow--stepped in a hole and branded myself with a rusty pipe. I asked the little emergency MD how his needleworking skills were when he stitched up my brow. Very interested in no scars on face.

The signup for August 24 is posted over at my place. Topic: "Back to School" Are you taking a class or learning something new right now as an adult? What are your thoughts on lifelong learning? Go ahead! Sign up--no tests or grades I promise!
grammy said…
You are doing great in the scar category. Mine are not nearly so interesting. I was so cracking up about the clipping the toenails under the covers and... oh my goodness... the belly button sniff was just to much. Mine keep me laughing too (o:
Sandy said…
that's funny about Lydia. When I used to work for the sheriff's department, we always asked about scars, marks and tattoos. I just never thought of my tats as scars....maybe a whole new Fun Monday there.
Unknown said…
Oh I could have played this one! Scars galore! That leg sounds like it was painful!
grace said…
ha! ha! you are hilarious, nice post

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