What's in Your Wallet?

The Church Lady is the host of Fun Monday this week. She wishes to see our purse and hear about the contents.

I skipped the purse shot and instead dumped the contents on my table top. You're so lucky I cleaned it out just before I took my last trip.

I really need to employ that spa coupon and take care of my aching back - a result of carrying this stuff all around with me.

Link over to TCL and sign up on Mr. Linky. What's in your wallet?


bluedreamer27 said…
wow there's a lot of stuffs inside your wallet
so cute
i love this post
its nice to be here in your blog
have a great day and happy blogging

Jeanette said…
Gday Pamela, Your handbag is as bad as mine. and ive just cleaned mine up also only cause I bought a new bag and swapped over bags.
darkfoam said…
i need me some trifocals too!
Helene said…
lol to the Judd cd!! You MUST have a huge handbag! In my purse is a credit card wallet, a smaller gift card wallet, another money only wallet, a pair of reading glasses, and a small bag with a folding brush/hairclip (for riding with the top down in the car)hand sanitizer, gum and a pen. I keep it light and portable so I can change handbags with my outfits or when I travel. =]
DesLily said…
I can't believe you went and did this! lol.. binoculars eh? that's not in everyones purse!
tlawwife said…
And my daughter thinks mine is heavy. Looks like you are prepared for anything.
Jan n Jer said…
Binoclars??? your wont find them in many purses. Camera..I bet your always looking for some photo opps?? am I right?? After looking at all the stuff you carry around, it does explain your aching back. That will do it to you. Thanks for sharing and Happy FM to you.
jill said…
i didnt play today because i cant carry a purse anymore, i have a diaper bag. no one wants to see that
Living Life said…
Darn - I was looking forward to seeing the actual bag. By the looks of the contents, it must be a good sized one! Thanks for sharing!
gracie said…
interesting contents, I cant tell what some of the stuff is, would have like to see the bag too. thanks for visiting
Sandy said…
That is a wonderful assortment of stuff! You could overnight somewhere just with what's in your purse...lol.
heather said…
You carry around a toothbrush? Wow. You're really dedicated to your teeth. ;)
bichonpawz said…
I haven't played a Fun Monday in ages....I know I should! My purse contains many of the exact same items as yours!! But the binoculars really made me laugh! I can certainly see a use for them though!!
Desert Songbird said…
I'm constantly switching bags, so my purse is pretty uncluttered. My wallet is, too, but I always make sure I have the essentials: license, VISA credit, VISA debit, health insurance ID, and list of meds.
Rebecca said…
lolol!!! Goodness how does one bag carry it all?!?
Sorry I think I might have my old e-mail up there and forgot to update it >.< the new one is phantomsox at the same website.
Mozi Esme said…
No, no - that stuff is ALL essential! I need to get a set of binoculars for my purse. Maybe after I get rid of the changing pad, wipes, and spare diaper...
Faye said…
Well you'd be a handy gal to have around in an emergency--say flat tire in the dark. Someone could say "Pamela, could you dig around and find us a flashlight?" Or, even better: "Pamela! Was that a flying dinosaur I saw just above those trees? Grab your binoculars!" :-)
karisma said…
Wow! What a professional picture! I need some binoculars!
grammy said…
That looks so much better that mine (o:
Kila said…
I'm impressed. You are very well prepared.
Jodi said…
Wow... were you a Girl Scout?? Or are you MacGyver's sister?? :-)

At least you come prepared!!!
Your stuff looks great, Pam. I'd hate to think about dumping my purse right now. Not a pretty sight at all!

When I signed up for Social Security,last year, I had to empty my purse before entering the office, since it is Federal. Luckily, I had cleaned it out, before going there!! I had forgotten all about the "bag check"!
ChrisB said…
Hahaha We do think alike I was going to label mine but didn't have time in the end. Can't believe the similarity in content even down to gaviscon!
Unknown said…
You look prepared for anything! Are you a geocacher? lol
Carole Burant said…
My goodness girl, you have everything but the kitchen sink in there! hehe I shouldn't talk, my purse is pretty full as well...I've actually started to leave my purse at home and just bring my keys and wallet if I'm just going to the store or mall.

I so enjoyed your previous post regarding the cup you had as a child. I remember having a copper cup as well and I would feel that tiny electrical current against my lips too!! xoxo
MarmiteToasty said…
How funny that you call a handbag your purse, a purse here is what a lady carries her money and library card in LOL and a wallet is what a bloke carries his dosh in....

Wendster said…
Are the little binoculars for spotting Big Foot?

You are brave. My purse is full of cereal crumbs, receipts, a little cash, my Sam's card, and whatever school papers the teacher handed me last ... all rolled up so I wont' squish them before I get them home, lay them on the coffee table for three weeks, and then finally throw them away.
Wendster said…
Oh yes ... it also has my digital camera and my cell phone ... and my door key ... and my car key.

That's about it.
LadyStyx said…
I did this one a little bit ago. The purse has changed but the contents have remained the same.
Merle said…
Hi Pamela ~~ I am much the same with
my handbag, but try to keep it light weight these days. I have never carried binoculars though.
Thank for your comments. Take care,
Love, Merle.
dawn said…
That is a lot of stuff. I still don't think to carry my camera with me all the time and often regret not having it with me.

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