Busy Grandma

Welcoming number 10. Born 06-03-09. I'm so tired grandma.

Saving the kittens from little Dinkum.

Judging art contests - Goobers entry! (Note: hardly any asthma problems with a change in prescriptions!)

Begging, blackmailing, bribing. Whatever it takes encourage My Red-headed Girl to give me two minutes on the computer.

Taking photos of little Smelly Ellie (24 hours old - so that's a temporary nickname?) - and waiting for my turn to hold her after Z-bubb. (Everyone else calls him peanut. But Grandma can call him whatever she wants!)

Conversation heard last night when Smelly Ellie came home.

Z-bubb: Daddy, why did you bring her here?

Daddy: Because she lives here.

Z-bubb: Oh, Daddy! Don't be silly.


Kim said…
Your grandchildren are beautiful!
Karmyn R said…
She's a little cutie.

That dinkum has some wild hair!
Kila said…
Haha, Z-bubb's quote is hilarious!

She's lucky to have a big brother.

Congrats on the new baby! Cool birthdate. Three must be her lucky number.
bichonpawz said…
Congratulations on the new little addition to your family!!
ChrisB said…
Grandma Pamela your newest addition is so cute. Your grandchildren are a good looking bunch-they all take after you.
Z-bubb's quote is just so funny.

Congratulations to all the family especially mom who did all the hard work.
Moms Musings said…
Congratulations on the new grandchild. All of them are beautiful. Love the Z-bubb's comment.
Gaynor said…
Congratulations Pam and thanks for sharing the good news. Lovely photo's.
Jeanette said…
Gday Pamela,
Congratulations on your beautiful new baby grandaughter, Love all your family photo's
Shelby said…
That wee conversation is priceless!!

Carla said…
Congratulations. And that conversation is priceless. I think everyone should keep a book of gems heard out of the mouths of babes.
Diane said…
Congrats! She's definitely a keeper!
Claudia said…
Smelly Ellie?? that stinks!! I hope it doesn't linger.
Desert Songbird said…
I've been told the best part of parenthood is having grandkids. I can see that's true with you!
karisma said…
Just adorable! Congratulations to all!
kitten said…
Congratulations!!!! She is beautiful and so are the reat of them!!!!
LadyStyx said…
Congrats! She's a beaut.
DesLily said…
wow congrats granny ! You have a great looking brood of grandkids~
Nicole said…
That quote is hilarious :D
And congrats on the new cute & smelly addition to the household :D
Unknown said…
You are SO lucky in love! So many precious little ones in your life!!
nikki said…
Congratulations! She is so beautiful!
Congratulations Pam, she's beautiful!!

I loved seeing all these photos and reading your delightful commentary!
Dear pamela. Congratulations on number 10. She's beautiful. In fact, they're all beautiful!
Oh ten times lucky! Congrats to all! Love Z bubbs comment! She is a beautiful little girl..I only have five..but I love them all! :)
Junebug said…
Congratulations Pamela! My granddaughter was born on June 4th. They are both beautiful!
Mercy's Maid said…
What a beautiful baby! You know, since you have 10 kids to dote on, you could donate that one to me. Share and share alike! I love little babies.
Rayne said…
Z-bubb is too funny.
I love that conversation.
The baby is absolutely gorgeous by the way.
Congratulations to you and to all of your family.
Marti said…
Congratulations! Beautiful babies (they're always babies to us, right? *grin*) Sorry for not dropping by for so long! Hugs to you!
Anonymous said…
Ccongrats on your new grandchild!
Yeah, what Sexy said!!

Oh, and Ellie is GORGEOUS, and Z-bubb is a scream, and you have truly beautiful grandchildren!
grammy said…
She is beautiful and I love that comment..."Daddy, don't be silly."
dawn said…
Your new granddaughter is adorable.
The rest of them aren't too shabby either.
Wendster said…


She really IS adorable.
MarmiteToasty said…
Beautifully precious.... but, there is no way you look old enough to be a grandma 10 times :)

Susie Q said…
Gorgeous and oh so lucky (they have YOU!) grandchildren.

Christy Woolum said…
Congratulations... and I agree with Marmite... you must have been married when you were ten! lol.

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