Tailgating -- On the road

Roller skate in a Buffalo Herd

My Mom Better Than Yours

I love Dana love Shelby

Support Strippers


Coffeypot said…
The only one that made sense is the last one - which I support whole heartedly.
Jeanette said…
Gday Pamela..I have to say I wont have stickers on my car but love reading others in the traffic..
Dear pamela. I can't believe how popular writing on cars is.. What's written on your car? Or what WOULD you write on yours?
laurie said…
i want that little blue car!
darkfoam said…
these are great .. lol .. !!
i want that little blue car too, btw.
Helene said…
hehehehe the last one is my fav!
Attie said…
OOHh for funny!!!!!!!
LadyStyx said…
*laffz@ that last one*

Hubby would love that one.
DesLily said…
I remember a sticker from eons ago on a small toyota truch.. it said: When I grow up I want to be Peterbuilt!
it was just to cute!
hilarious. well done, my friend.
My favorite was the roller skate in a buffalo herd. I see those little cars at times when I am traveling and they are "cute" but I wonder how comfortable. They are so small that buses and trucks actually lose track of them or don't see them at all. Yes, Pam, what would you write on your windows?
grammy said…
It can be very entertaining to read the stickers. Some are a little to crazy (o:
Rayne said…
I had no idea strippers had their own ribbon. I like it! It amuses me, much!
Gattina said…
Years ago when I had this funny car 2CV I had duck stickers on it (the car was grass green!) but today as a serious lady I only have a "Europe" sign on my car.
Anonymous said…
Stickers I see all the time. But the writing on the car indows? Really? Is there lots of that around?
Unknown said…
Support Strippers? LOL! My mom is better than your mom is too funny!
Desert Songbird said…
I like the bumper sticker that says, "My kid can beat up your Honor Roll kid."
Peter said…
Support strippers gets my vote.
Merle said…
Dear Pamela ~~ I enjoyed all your photos, esp the ones of your Dad and you and the older generations, they are lovely as is your flower-garden
last year. Thanks for your visit and I am glad you liked the 1-2-3-for
joke. Take care, Love, Merle.
JoeinVegas said…
Yes, which of those cars is yours?
Wendster said…
Well ... what WOULD you write?

I am loving the support strippers ribbon ... I am wondering just how we do that?

Dollar bills?

And where do we stick them?
dawn said…
Weird. I am not one for writing on cars or in books. To me it is all vandalism.
ChrisB said…
You have started a new craze looking at creative car decor! The stripper one is for decorators!! LOL (paint strippers- OK not really that funny)

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