Once a Princess - Always a Princess

100 Birthday Celebration for Auntie Fern.

What a day ---


LadyStyx said…
She certainly does NOT look her age. Happy Birthday to Auntie Fern!
Susie said…
She looks marvelous! Happy 100 the Auntie Fern. (love her tiara)
MarmiteToasty said…
Oh my....... Happy 100th Birthday Auntie Fern.... you look amazing...

laurie said…
she's beautiful! did she have a good time? did you?
darkfoam said…
she looks absolutely beautiful ..
Mercy's Maid said…
I hope I look that good when I'm 100!
karisma said…
Yay! Happy Birthday Auntie Fern! Looking gorgeous! xxooxx
Anonymous said…
She doesn't look 100 at all. Hope she had a great day.
Masago said…
Birthday Greetings from Canada!
She doesn't look a day over 80. Amazing! Hope she had a good day.
Alison said…
Happy Birthday Aunt Fern..you are beautiful!!
willowtree said…
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Ingrid said…
She looks great ! Happy birthday !
DesLily said…
*groaning here*.. i don't look that good at 65!!!
Shelby said…
She looks gorgeous in blue! She is stylin'!

Kim said…
She looks younger than both of my great grandmothers did when they passed away in their early 90s. Auntie Fern is amazing.
nikki said…
We should have all sent her birthday cards! How cool would it have been for her to receive 100 birthday cards for her 100th birthday. It's not too late.....I have a 4 year old that can color one mean card......

Happy Birthday Aunt Fern!
Amanda said…
So glad I could be a part of this, Mom. She's an extraordinary lady.
Vicki said…
what a wonderful update!~
Claudia said…
Hooray to Auntie Fern!! Happy 100th Birthday!
Coffeypot said…
Happy Birthday to a hot chick. I plan on haveing two or three of those myself.
A Spot of T said…
Happy Birthday!! My goodness she looks fantastic!
Tillybud said…
A princess indeed - beautiful. Many happy returns to your aunty fern!
She certainly passes for a princess in my book! She doe not look 100 years old. Her hands are the only part that says really old lady. I hope her day was special! I am glad your brother came through his surgery OK..sounds like you are burning the candle at both ends..Take Cae of yourself! :)
Unknown said…
I hope Fern had a wonderful party! She doesn't look a day more than 80. :)
Hayden said…
wow, she looks GREAT! Hope I look that good at 80! (Hope I MAKE 80!)
ChrisB said…
Auntie Fern looks amazing, I agree with others she definitely only looks about 80.
Kila said…
Happy 100th Birthday! You look fabulous!
Desert Songbird said…
She looks wonderful!
dawn said…
A belated Happy Birthday to Auntie Fern. It is great to put a face to such a lovely lady. And she doesn't look her age at all. Weird, I was thinking of Auntie Fern the other day; can't remember why, but I think it was to do with people ageing gracefully.

My sister's birthday is the same day.
Debbie said…
Happy Birthday...belated. She looks wonderful.
Wendster said…
Happy Birthday!!!

You look pretty as a picture.

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