Music to My Ears

Song Sparrow from pamela on Vimeo.

Carmi's theme this week is anything musical. Could I resist posting a bird song!

I couldn't.

Last week this little Song Sparrow sat in my garden and sang his heart out over and over and over. And over.

I don't have a video-cam, but my Canon PowerShot allows for some short action capture. If you dare to click on the above short, you may want to grab your motion sickness patch. There was wind in the trees, and some shaky puddin' in the videographer.

Carmi says, "Your turn: For the next week, we'll be sharing musically-themed photos. Since music touches our lives in so many different ways, I'm looking forward to seeing how you all choose to interpret the theme through your lenses."

Hope to hear you there.


karisma said…
Lovely! What sweet music.

Masago said…
very nice to hear
Ingrid said…
Sounds so nice and makes me dreamy, but birds here prefer the neighbor gardens, due to my cats !
Thea said…
nothing beats music from mother nature. :)
I wanted more!! it was lovely.
Kim said…
Little Sophie heard the bird singing and ran across the room, making circles around my computer looking for the singer. She's still sniffing the keyboard!
amanda guthrie said…
Very creative Pamela, I wish I had thought of something like this!
Martha said…
I never would have thought of something like that! Very creative!
Mamie said…
Excellent interpretaion of the theme.
Shey said…
Awesome idea! Lovely video, we get to hear sweet twittering. :)

Vicki said…
great post!!
grammy said…
I do love that sound...but sometimes I shut my window at 5 in the morning when it is right next to my bed (o:
Hayden said…
Ohhh, I loved listening! thanks for posting that.
Unknown said…
Perfect! There is no better music in my world. :)
Susie said…
They make such beautiful music don't they? We love to sit quietly on our deck and just listen to the sounds of springtime!
Wendster said…
I pressed a wrong button!

AfKaP said…
I was thinking of you! The warblers are passing through Minnesota right now on their way North!

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