Conversations with Grandchildren

A moment with Curlymop.
:Gwamma! Quick! Run! It's a bee.
Gwamma: No, don't worry sweetie. It's just a flying insect.
Curlymop: Is 'flying insect' Spanish for bug?

A moment with Buttercup.

Buttercup: Grandma, will you brush my hair. You're more gentler than mommy.
Grandma: Sure, sit down here.
Grandma brushes "gentler" for awhile.
Grandma: Buttercup, your hair is just like mine, very fine.
Buttercup: No! It isn't. Your hair is old.


Shelby said…
doh!!! :)

Happy Easter!
Ingrid said…
Hahaha ! the truth always comes out of a child's mouth (that's a german proverb) !
Debbie said…
Lol. Too funny.
darkfoam said…
out of the mouths of babes, eh?
lol ..
Kim said…
They're angels. You must have the best time with them.

Happy Easter, Pamela.
Gaynor said…
I agree with 'Foam'. Aren't children wonderful

Happy Easter dear Pam.

Love, Gaynor x
ChrisB said…
I love these conversations, you have the cutest grand children.

Happy easter to you all.
karisma said…
LOL! Too Cute!
Coffeypot said…
Some of the best moments and conversations of your life are with grandkids.
Hayden said…
great comments, thanks for sharing them - LOVED the spanish one!
Alison said…
just gotta love those kids!!!
C... said…
My son always tell me "mommy you are old but grandma is super old!"
Heather Plett said…
Gotta love the honesty of children!

Happy Easter.
Unknown said…
Those girls will keep you young! And laughing! :) Happy Easter My dear Pamela!
Anonymous said…
Out of the mouth of babes :-) Very cute!!
Molly said…
I have old hair too. My dad used to say his gray hair was "dead hair." I am not sure if he mean other hair is Medusa's locks.
heather said…
Didn't realize you had such an astute student of the Spanish language.
Anonymous said…
ROFL!!!! I love it! Where do they come up with this stuff? And they have absolutely NO IDEA how funny they are, do they? :-D
Desert Songbird said…

Kids are so dang cute when they are definitive in their speech.
MarmiteToasty said…
oh my, the inocience of children lol..

Hope you had a lovely easter....

willowtree said…
Happy Easter xoxo
Helene said…

thanks for the am smile!
Sabrina said…
Hilarious! Needed that laugh!!
Mozi Esme said…
Innocent and straightforward - I love it!
Anonymous said…
Happy Easter. I think your hair is very young ;)
What cute Grands! Thanks for the smiles! :)
Merle said…
Dear Pamela ~~ Aren't grandchildren the greatest joy in life? Mine are a
lot older but they love to hear about the funny things they said or did, so keep a record. Thank you so much for your comments - I have got way behind. Thanks for reading.
Take care, Love, Merle.
Peter said…
Hey you with the old hair, hope your Easter was great.
Wendster said…
oh those cute kids say the darndest things.

Love the "Spanish" quip.
Susie Q said…
And now I have found the much needed laugh! Out of the mouths of sweet babes...


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