A Wicked Wind This Way Cometh

Friday, a furious wind rushed in over the Blues. The dust that it carried made driving precarious. When it settled there was no electricity and no trail home through the debris.
Many of you know how much I loved those trees.....

Our electricity returned after almost 12 hours. There are still many neighbors without.

I am so thankful for our dedicated power and phone service people. God Bless Them!

What a way to begin a new year.


bichonpawz said…
Oh Pamela! How awful! We went through a similar thing...except it was an ice storm. Eleven days with no power. Thought I'd freak out. So glad you got your power back. Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts your way!!
my4kids said…
Wow what a way to begin the year! I bet you got the storm we had a couple of days ago. Hurricane force winds! but they didn't do to much damage because we get 60-70 mile winds regularly around here so the trees handled the stronger winds okay, just a couple down and power only out for a bit.
Wendster said…
whoa. that was some SERIOUS wind. I'm glad you are safe and sound. I hope your house was ok? I always hate to see trees down too. I SO love trees. I'm just sure they think and feel and remember . . . so I am feeling bad for our fallen friends. You know those times when the dr. says: you want the good news or the bad news first? Well ... this year you got the BAD first ... all the rest must be good. That's one bright way to look at it. Stay safe.
ChrisB said…
oh my gosh, that's awful it really hits home when you see the pictures. I hope the houses weren't damaged it doesn't seem so from these photos. Managing without electricity must be so hard especially when it comes without warning. Glad you are safe.
Beccy said…
That must have been some wind to pull those huge trees over, I'm so glad that you and the houses are ok.
Mercy's Maid said…
That looks terrible. I'm glad you're safe!
theotherbear said…
Yikes, that looks way scary!
Glad you are ok!
Kim said…
Bless your heart. We had a terrible ice storm last month, so the carnage looks familiar. Some people here were without electricity for a couple of weeks, but we were lucky and had only a couple of 30 second outages.

I do hope everything is okay there.
DesLily said…
wow! I hope this means the worst for the year is over ! We had a number of storms that took down trees last year, I hope we don't get a repeat performance this year.
Anonymous said…
Those trees!

Hopefully this means blue skies the rest of the year!
Anonymous said…
We are in Western WA and the wind was fierce last night. Have not yet been out to see things.

Glad you and yours are okay!
Jenni said…
Oh how awful to lose those big, beautiful trees! When we saw the damage in Tulsa from the ice storm, Danny reminded me how many of the trees that had looked so pitiful around here after a similar storm had come back several years later. I'm afraid there's no coming back for trees that have been completely blown over, though. I'm glad you are safe and have your power back. Hopefully folks will want to plant new trees to replace the old. It will take a while for them to grow, but it's something to look forward to anyway.
Peter said…
Hi Pamela, that certainly was a destructive wind storm, glad to hear you are Ok.
Did you see the latest photos of my blogging friends in which you feature hiding behind a book? I got this comment from my sister Merle;
Hi Peter ~~ I notice in your latest
photographs of blogger, Pamela is
reading a book called Chicken Soup.
Well one of my friends has had several stories published in that
book and others. Her name is
Renis Burghardt.
Congrats on the new award. Take care,
Love, Merle.
I don't know if the writers are recognised in Chicken Soup??
tlawwife said…
Are you sure you didn't wake up in Kansas. We were supposed to have fierce winds but didn't. They did have them further east. Your pictures show what I call God's pruning and one reason (besides no water) why we don't have many trees out here.

My brother-in-law is a retired lineman and boy do they put in A LOT of hours after a storm like that.
SwampAngel65 said…
Ah geesh...so sad to see those beautiful trees down. Reminds me of the way it looks down here after a hurricane.
Sandy said…
I am so glad that you are safe. My prayers are with everyone there and prayers of thanksgiving for those dedicated workers.

Thanks for the pictures.
Ian said…
Wow, some of those trees are really big! Must have been exciting and scary. We get the windstorms out here, but I don't usually see that extent of damage - it's much worse in the foothills (I'm about a forty-minute drive East of them).

MarmiteToasty said…
At least you are okay..... its real sad when beautiful well old trees get storm damage, all those years of standing proud and then nuffin but firewood....... hope everything is getting back to normal..

Junebug said…
I'm sorry that you lost beautiful trees. We had the ice storm before Christmas where people here lost trees. Wind is a powerful force too. They should harness it. Just kidding!
M@ said…
You don't want to be knocked off the blogosphere, Pam.
M@ said…
Hey, my link is working on your page. No wonder no one's hollerin'!
BarnGoddess said…
wow! that is a lot of damage.

Mother Nature has been awful moody.

Stay safe.
Carla said…
Talk about the new year taking of in a whirl wind...unfortunately not the kind we really want. Glad to hear you have your power back.
Shelby said…
wow! unbelievale pics... glad you're ok and power's back..
Mary said…
WOW, I'm glad you are safe hough! I always feel so bad when a tree falls or has to be cut down... it's so sad.
Robinella said…
Oh my! I am always amazed to see such huge trees pushed over like that. Sorry you lost them.
Hayden said…
Glad you got through it safely. I'm beginning to hear the news that we lost several trees in my neighborhood, as well as the historic "Christmas Tree" (for the last 100 years or so) in Golden Gate park. Sad to see them uprooted and killed, but that wind was a crazed thing.
Coffeypot said…
That had to be scary. I'm glad no one was hurt. It's hard to loose the big old trees, too. It takes so long for them to grow - hundreds of years.
Gwen said…
Hi Pamela.
Great pic but would be a bit scary if you were out in it.
The debris shown after, I suppose some would say you were very lucky.
Thanks for your visit and I wish you and yours A HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Nan said…
Yiiiiikes!!! And Pamela.... Those beautiful trees. :^( I'm so sorry. But I'm glad you all are safe and have your power back! (((hugs)))

I think that yucky system is hitting my parents in California today. They've gotten something like 5 or 6 inches of rain since yesterday.
kitten said…
OMGEES! Bless your heart! Glad you didn't have to be with out power any longer than 12 hrs. The last bad ice storm we had which has been 13 years ago we were out of power at our house for a month. I got sick of staying at my MIL's. LOL!
I left a comment on my blog about your comment you left. We had talked about Trade school, but he is only 13, so I was waiting till he got older to see where we were with him. He is more of a hands on child. You know most people that build stuff have to write it out make measurement and such. Well, when he gets something in his head he can go out and build it just out of his head.
Masago said…
That must have been ouchish.
Tiggerlane said…
How horribly, horribly sad. I had been thinking about you guys, and wondering if you had escaped the storm. So sorry to see that you didn't.

We had a horrific ice storm in our area about 7 years ago. I mourned the damage it did to our trees. In fact, I can still see the damage that wasn't cleaned up on our new house site.

One day, as I had been sobbing and really depressed after not having electricity for 8 days, mourning my trees...a friend said this: "Just think of this event as God's way of cleaning house a bit, making room for new growth." It made things a wee bit better, but I know how terrible you must feel.
Anonymous said…
Amazing. Those pictures look so much like the damage we had from our recent ice storm. That's kind of freaky. It's horrible just how naked things look without the big beautiful trees. I'm so sorry you'll be missing yours.
Unknown said…
That looks like some powerful mother nature! Amazing photos. Sorry for the loss of trees. :(

Glad you're safe!
Biker Betty said…
My gosh, that was a horrible wind. Glad you're okay. It is very sad to see trees, especially the older ones, break.

But, sometimes it's fun to loose power, when you don't have anything to do and can keep warm. Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year. Betty :)
Gattina said…
Geez ! that looks horrible ! What a start into the New Year ! I only hope you didn't get damaged !

Today we celebrate Three Kings Day in Belgium, so come and have a slice of the "Galette" !
Kila said…
What a storm. It's always very sad to see trees like that. Fortunately, we can grow more, though it takes a while.

I'm glad you are OK and with power.

Around here it looks like your very first photo. Gray and foggy and wet. It's warm enough today (40) that things are melting.
Desert Songbird said…
I'm glad you got your power back relatively quickly. Those winds were horrible.
Anonymous said…
Hope everyone is okay! That must have been very scary!
Anonymous said…
Hi, I came your way through a friend of yours - Wildflower Morning. She and I are friends; in fact I graduated from the college/university near there in the early 90's.

Sounds like you had quite the storm. I'm glad everything/one is OK. Those are some amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
What a crazy thing to happen. We just don't know when things are going to strike and cause so much damage. Good luck in getting it cleaned up.
Kerith Collins said…
holy crap...look at that...we just have ice and snow...
Anonymous said…
i've been hearin stories about wicked winds/storms on the west coast sorry to hear you got hit to..
Attie said…
OOHHH MY!!!!!!!!!!!! glad You are okay. how terrible!!!!
We too just got some snow!!

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