If all your friends jumped off a cliff......

If I Had A Band - Thanks "all my friends" for the idea. Go to......

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

2. http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

3. http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result. (M*cr*soft Picture It, because I haven't figured Ph*t*shop out yet)

Click. Hello?


Ian said…
I like it! This was the funnest meme ever.

willowtree said…
Don't spend put too much effort onto learning on ph*t*sh*p just yet, you first need to spend some time mastering the basics of counting. ;)

I did this one too, it was a lot of fun.
ChrisB said…
I have been thinking about doing this one, people are having a lot of fun with it!
Anonymous said…
I'll do this ONLY if you'll drop by and help me. Are you kidding me? You think I can do this? I've just now learned where the PhotoShop thing-ama-jig is on my desk top.
Desert Songbird said…
Now, I must admit, your cover art is most intriguing. It conjures images of...what?
Gattina said…
Hahaha ! The phone is for you ... for external links ? you couldn't find it better !
Pam, I don't know what the heck you are trying to say but knowing you it will turn out great. I had to comment on the picture of the owl. Absolutely fantastic. Did you take the picture yourself?
Sandy said…
I can't use photoshop either. I used "paint" on mine and it worked just fine.

Good job.
Anonymous said…
I love these! I may do this for my post tonight.
Unknown said…
This is the oddest one I've seen yet. Hmmm.
Anonymous said…
My eyes are going bad because I can't read what the Album Title is.
i love this. i'm stealing this meme for my very own.

cuz lord knows i dont have an original bone in my body!!!!
Shelby said…
This was so extremely fun!! I did it and posted mine on my blog.. come see :)
bichonpawz said…
This was indeed fun!! Wasn't it??? I just did mine before I clicked over here! Have a good weekend, Pamela Pajamela!!
Anonymous said…
Every one is doing this album thing. There have been some pretty good ones out there. Might have to try it one day....
Kila said…
I like the cover!
Anonymous said…
Hey...this is perfect for me. 'Cause I'm going to be a Rock Star in a few years, you know!
Anonymous said…
That turned out awesome. I couldn't do any manipulating of the words on the photo so I didn't get the look. I love how the words go so well together and sorry I a noticed the counting thing too as WT did. Just a stickler for detail. It likely wouldn't have sounded just right anyway. The photo is awesome and I like how the bottom line goes into the page were the colour goes darker.
Anonymous said…
Hey, the picture yesterday.... WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
Tiggerlane said…
Too cute! I got very lucky with mine - and still haven't posted it yet, since I SUCK at using Photoshop. MUST. HAVE. KID. TEACH. ME.
Rurality said…
Heh. I saw this recently and looked up everything even though I didn't put it on my blog (so far). But I liked the name of my band so much that I'm tempted to start one up: Luminus!
This is too much fun. Interesting band name and album title!

I did one, but have to figure out what program I can use to put it together.
my4kids said…
haha I love these I really should try it myself....
Attie said…
Hi and Yes I love yours....I thought this was so much fun!! thank You!!
Looks like fun -- might have to try this one for myself later.
theotherbear said…
Fabulous :) You're right, this was a fun meme.

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