But, Does it Rhyme?

Robin's Poetic License continues this month with the style of Terza Rima.

The topic of Superbowl and snacks sounds innocuous -- but attempting to combine those two with the iambic pentameter (whatever that is) of Terza Rimo kept me up past midnight with my eyes crossed.

My mom, (how I miss her) could rhyme an entire letter written to her sons away at college. I wish she was here to help me with this stickler! Without further complaints....

Ode to the Super Bowl of Snacks

Its party time –our chosen team– Let’s all cheer.

Glitzy pre-game, mid-field coin toss, the fans roar

Pass the meatballs, cheese & crackers, and the beer

Special Team returns the Kick Off – and a score!

Fill your plate with finger food from the buffet

End zone chanting – is that the pizza at the door?

The back fumbles! Coach throws red flag, now the replay

Instead enjoy a million dollar ad sensation

Overturned, the offence huddles, or do they pray?

Ice cream and brownies, double coverage, I- formation

The defense holds the ball is inches from the goal.

Fourth and one now grips the hearts of half the nation

Our team loses – blame the bad calls – officials stole!

And thus it ends another game of Super Bowl.


Anonymous said…
Didja hear me? First, I giggled at your grumbles...then, at your last two lines.

I don't know WHAT you're complaining about, woman! You pulled this off PERFECTLY, rhymes and all (even in the "right" places).

But, that being said, yeah...it was a bit more "work" for me this time around. Somehow, I wasn't going to let it get the best of me though!

(I fixed your double link, waxwing girl ;) ).
Sandy said…
Absolutely perfect! You nailed it, Pamela, rhyme, meter and subject. I bow before you.
ChrisB said…
That's a good one.
Junebug said…
Great. I for one will bowl before you. :D
Anonymous said…
The fourth and one line is the best one.
Anonymous said…
I like how you got the I-formation in there.

You chose Superbowl like me.
Anonymous said…
You disgust me! How'd you do that?
you are completely adorable.

without doubt.
Coffeypot said…
You summed up the night just right.
But because of all the beer and the divided family,
There is sure to be a fight.
Beckie said…
You did a fantastic job with that! That was a hard one.
Anonymous said…
I didn't know you were so knowledgeable in football!
Susan in va said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Truer words were never spoken...


I'm going to be laughing at this one for a little while!!
Peter said…
Congratulations Pamela, that was excellent... too difficult a task for me to even attempt.
M@ said…
Oh, I see. I thought your daughter had just gone off the deep end. Now I see that Robyn is responsible for all of this nonsense. I'm going to kill her.
Unknown said…
You are such a poet! I wonder what's going to happen this weekend. We got more snow today and they have to keep clearing off Lambeau.
karisma said…
Oooh very clever!

I was a bit sad to see the team lose.
Anonymous said…
I think it rhymes just fine. Ha! That's my poetry for the month. This month's was too hard for my little brain.
PAT said…
Fabulous, Pamela!

Susie Q said…
This was fantastic Pamela! You are a true wordsmith!
It made my day!

Anonymous said…
Nothing will ever top...

Terdz a reema...

E.V.E.R. !
Marsha said…
I started with the Super Bowl and wasn't happy with my results so I switched to beginnings. After reading this, I may have to try another time to make my Super Bowl try better.

Great job!
Mary said…
Well done, I love it! It was a visual experience for me... I could see the whole game/party :D

Had I not been so busy setting up 4 different blogs I wold have done this too. But if you had a difficult time with it I would have failed for sure because you have such a wonderful and beautiful writing style. Me? All I got is the sarcasm. ;)
Tammy said…
Brava, Pamela! Good job! :)
Kila said…
I zoned out at the words ice cream and brownies, LOL.

Great job, Pamela. Sounds like your family line has had many talented writers!
Anonymous said…
We're not allowed to utter the word Superbowl in our house. Husband is a huge Vikings fan and is not a happy camper!
Anonymous said…
Perfect, you done such a great job
Shelby said…
I'm with Kila.. at the mere mention of ice cream and brownies - I'm a gonner... :)
Gattina said…
I just wanted to tell you that today I have a very special little video on my blog. It is absolutely hilarious and shows the demolition of several houses in Brussels. It happened last week. They did it so good, that the neighbor found himself with a toilet without wall.
I found it on a Belgian blog;
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela, Well done!
Anonymous said…
Fun description of Superbowl Sundays. Made me laugh.

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