New Template

The time finally came for me to upgrade my blog so that I could access the "bells and whistles" offered by the New Blogger.

Blogs Gone Wild designed this for a minimal fee around the recent picture of Gram's antique desk. I'm sure I'll do some tweaking as the days go by.

I can tell you right now that it is MUCH EASIER than the old blogger.

I need Easy. I like Free.


Susie said…
Love your new look!
tlawwife said…
I noticed earlier that new picture. I love it.
willowtree said…
"I can tell you right now that it is MUCH EASIER than the old blogger."

Rather an ironic statement given that I said the same thing to you last September!
Ian said…
Very nice - this works well!

Anonymous said…
I love it! I may have to run to my old place to see just how easy it is. :) I am wondering what WT is doing to know how much easier it is.
Shelby said…
I adore the new look :)
Masago said…
Nice new look. Now that's dust!
Peter said…
New look, same old dust!!!!
Heather said…
I like it. And I like that to post a comment, I only have to jump one hurdle rather than two now.
BarnGoddess said…
oh, I LIKE it. I jumped the blogger ship a long time ago but they do have some cool stuff. And FREE is the best thing ever :)
Beccy said…
Looks great.

I can't believe it took you so long to swap over!
Anonymous said…
I love, love, love the new layout! Totally cool.

I keep hearing the new one is easier, but I switched to wordpress quite a while ago, so I guess for me it's a moot point.

Anyway, I love it!
ChrisB said…
I think your new layout works really well I love the colours
Jodi said…
I love the upgrade... perhaps this will inspire me to do a little updating of my own! ;-)
Anonymous said…
Your new design is so pretty! I like new blogger better too (I have some blogs that are not at my domain)

Hope you have a wonderful day!
Anonymous said…
I think you're prettier than the cartoon of you.
Susan in va said…
Very, VERY nice! I would have stayed at blogger if I had a little control over my template. And I'm too cheap to pay someone to design it for me. I like this template - it's fresh and clean...well except for the dust on Gram's antique desk ;)
Kila said…
I like it; very nice!
Anonymous said…
I like you new look!!

Loved your haiku, but for some reason the accompanying picture wouldn't download for me.

Curly Mop and the bubble pictures are just precious.

And, Pamela, I think you are beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Pamela, I love it! I'm so glad Beta is easier for you. :)
Whippersnapper said…
I used to write THE DATE in the dust at my friends' house. It didn't make me very popular. Heh.
Ingrid said…
Now I expect that you are going wild ! (on your blog of course)
Anonymous said…
Dear pamela. I've copied off you (not your template, your idea to update your template!) - a change is as good as a holiday.
DesLily said…
I could easily make the same sort of "signature" around here! lol..

great header.
Kelly Curtis said…
I love it! I'm thinking about starting a pseudonym blog, and would probably do it on blogger, if I thought Blogger was significantly easier than it used to be!! It doesn't seem like the downtime has been as bad any more either, so I'll be thinking about this!

It really looks great.
Pamela said…
Susie - now if I could do the same with the old body

tlawwife - I stuck the picture in my old template to get into the groove

WT - Help me Obi-Wan Kenobe. Well, I was reluctant to give up my loverly template that I worked so hard on.

her indoors - thank you , bows, ooops excuse me, blushes

Ian - the truth always works (:

Julie - I tried wordpress in a test sight but my lack of ability followed me over there

Shelby - I thought you'd like the header - You're such a photo junkie!!!

Masago - you know haiku, I know dust

Peter - actually, I got some new dust to snap the picture

Heather - that is good to hear I wasn't aware of that change

BarnGoddess - yeah, thats the only reason I go to Costco is the free hand outs (:

Beccy - I upgraded to BETA one of the VERY FIRST blogs to do so. It was just that my template wasn't a Blogger Template so it wasn't cooperative

Jenn - did you stay with the free wordpress template?

ChrisB - I was taken back a little that I liked the brown. Who wudda thunk?

Jodi - check them out with my lilnk. They have F.R.E.E ones, too and some of them are really fabulous. I just wanted my OWN,

Marti - How do you manage more than one?

Stephanie - I'm going to put my picture in -- that was my avatar and they just stuck it in - and I can add/subtract stuff at my will. And it is so easy!

Susan - yea, with those three muggles, you need to have control somewhere ha ha ha hbwaaa ha ha ha

Kila and Songbird -- it was a whimsical moment that I covered that with dust and wrote my name.

Melissa - easier now that I have a blog that talks to is

whipper - and "clean me" on backs of cars. I know you can't help it.

Gattina - going wild here means using half n half in my coffee instead of skim milk

LMM - can't wait to see what you do

Deslily - I knew we were twins separated at birth

Kelly PTT - there are some really great free "skins" out there if your're thinking about it $eriou$ly
Helene said…
Love the new header! I do like Beta much better than the original too!

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