In the shadow of BUSY

Update. Several of you commented on the Clematis. I don't know the variety. Here is another look at it for those who are interested.

There are at least six stories in my head and in my notes to write. But there they stay for now. In case you wondered, I do write notes other places than on my furniture.

I have been distracted by busy "stuff." Many of you have mentioned the same seasonal phenomenon affecting your blog.

However, life goes on. Fortunately, I'm blessed to see some of those wonderful goings on in my own back yard.

A squirrel and a starling, fighting over the bird seed. These two naughty creatures chase the desired birds away. Then they hiss and jabber and chase each other.
Amanda calls me a bird snob because I would chase the starlings away if they would leave.

Papa Quail as the lookout on the fence. He is very protective of his family.

A quick picture of a camouflaged bunny before Mr. McGregor (the hubby) shoos it away.

The Rhododendron outside my bathroom window

My favorite clematis - sometimes the blooms are paper plate size.

Happy Wednesday.


Susie said…
Our squirrels are still as pesky as ever! The clematis is beautiful and huge!!
Happy Wed to you too!
Anonymous said…
At least you don't have those dang deer....eating my pea plants. ARGH.

That clematis is huge. lovely
Beckie said…
Our squirrels are very, very naughty squirrels. Last year they ate the stuffing out of the cushions of our lawn furniture.

Don't even get me started on the crows.

You’re clematis is lovely.
Kellie said…
Papa Quail is beautiful! And so is your clematis. Your bunny is not though, because I have issues with bunnies lately--eating all the blooms off my ruellia.
katy said…
the bunny looks like it is a ghost bunny! the clematis is beautiful, wish i had green fingers!
Dear pamela. I can't believe how beautiful those clematis are. Your backyard looks like a veritable treat for anyone wanting to explore a little. Have a lovely day!
Susan in va said…
Okay...the size of your clematis just is NOT fair! Why don't you come on down here and groom some for me ;)

Amanda calling you a bird snob reminded me of this story - my dad was getting irritated at the squirrels eating all of the food out of his prized bird feeder, so he put a metal plate at the base of the feeder, hooked it to some wires (which ran all the way into the house), hooked the wires to a controller (is this a run-on sentence?), and when the squirrels set their grubby paws on the metal plate...ZAP!!!! They'd pop off that thing and end up on the ground six feet away - unharmed, of course...and a little dazed ;)

Heh, heh, heh....
Gaynor said…
GORGEOUS photo's Pamela. Love this post. Where are my squirrels?
ChrisB said…
Pamela that clematis is fantastic-what variety is it? I don't think I've ever seen blooms that big.
Peter said…
Hi Pamela, all very pretty and entertaining... now get back to those stories.
Bibi said…
Your garden looks a lovely place to escape to. And the clematis is gorgeous.

BTW, like your new blog look ... very 'safe'! (Means 'extra cool' according to my nephew ;-)
Anonymous said…
If I had all that going on in my backyard, I would never leave. The most you can see in my backyard is the sparrows or chameleons. If you're lucky, a stray cat may wander by.
Ingrid said…
What nice views ! especially the little squirl I love them ! when I went visting my son in London there were a lot of squirls around in his garden and they sometimes even looked through the living window ! Pookie (my cat) tried to play with them, but they didn't agree, lol !
Since yesterday we are proud owners of a new little kitten girl and are looking for names (on my cat blog is a picture) any idea ??
Molly said…
Your pictures are lovely. My dad used to run out of the house and chase the starlings away calling them, silly baldfaced baboons. Where he got that name I do not know.
Anonymous said…
Just had to pop in to tell you how pretty your new profile picture looks. (Saw it on Vaughn's blog). :)
Anonymous said…
GLAD you photographed your hand in the last picture. So we could have a means of comparison. And bask in the glow of your green thumb!

Beauty surrounds you when you take the time to SEE it!

BTW, I don't think I've actually said it (unless I did and totally forgot, which is highly possible), I love your new header! Perhaps the most appropriate one around :).
Shelby said…
Your yard is soooo lovely and peaceful!!!!!!
Kila said…
How beautiful! I've never seen clematis before.
Amanda said…
Dear Bird Snob,
The backyard looks even more beautiful than it did two weeks ago! Absolutely wonderful. Love the Clematis.

Happy Thursday!
DesLily said…
this is weird.. i know I left a comment but it's gone!

I was going to post a pic of the clamatis next door but after seeing yours, I think I'll skip it! LOL those are humungus!

may I use your papa qail in a cartoon with Myrtle?
Anonymous said…
Whoa, that clematis!! Do ya think that'd grow down here in Houston? Could ya send me a cutting?!! Thank you.

You have more that a green thumb; you have a green soul.
Claudia said…
That clematis is huge! I love these pics!
BarnGoddess said…
how funny! I was just looking out the window watching my horse eat his grain and noticed our rabbit (the wild one) eating the grain I spilled near the barn doors.

your flowers are beautiful!

ewwww squirrels are nasty little rats but they make a good stew to be served over homemade noodles if you ever need the recipe. I do not hunt them much anymore, they are a pain to clean and skin.
sallywrites said…
What lovely pictures. Like the new look blog!
Mary said…
Mr. Mc Gregor, heehee! Beeyoutiful!
I wish I had as much inspiration going on as you. :D
Jodi said…
I absolutely love the photo of Papa Quail! And the clematis is so beautiful... I can't believe how huge the blooms get... amazing!

Have a happy and safe holiday weekend.
I have flower envy!!!!!
Have a safe and happy weekend!
Anonymous said…
What beautiful pictures! I love clematis!

Hope you have a lovely holiday weekend!
Anonymous said…
totally and completly jelous of your back yard!!! So very beatiful. I bet is is such an inspiriation. I finally broke down and bought a digital voice recorder for all my thoughts on stories and such. Now I just hit a button and record my thoughts and go on. this way i don't lose them when I don't have something to write on and... i don't write on my walls anymore LOL
Tammy said…
Wow, those clematis blossoms grow so large- I had no idea! Beautiful yard you have, Pamela!
Anonymous said…
Love the clematis!!! I've never had any luck with them, but you obviously have the clematis touch. Great pictures!
Hayden said…
what an amazing clematis! thanks for sharing it with us!
Heather Plett said…
Wow that clematis is AMAZING! I've never seen it so big!
AngelConradie said…
what beautiful pictures, you live in a truly beautiful place!
that flower bush looks like a big version of a plant we have in south africa called a "yesterday, today and tomorrow"...

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