Heart Talks

I was too tired to go into the store on our way home Sunday evening.

“I’ll just sit in the car and rest,” I sighed and let the hubby run in to pick up a few last minute things needed for the workweek.

Moments later an older model car that had seen better days rolled in to a nearby parking spot. There was an empty space between our vehicles allowing me total observation. So, I did what I do best. I watched.

The driver got out and went directly to the trunk. The passenger hopped out on his side – he looked to be about eleven.

“Mama,” he said, “do you need my help?”

She opened the trunk, pulled out a baby stroller, and began the process of unfolding it.

“No, I’ve got it,” she replied and inclined her head briefly towards the back seat.

Acknowledging her gesture, he opened the back door. From there he reached in and carefully unbuckled the restraints on an infant car seat and lifted out a little bundle in pink.

“Hi sweet baby,” he whispered just loud enough for the words to drift through my open window.

She was six or seven months old. He held her very carefully and patted her gently on the back while he scanned the back seat for something.

“Aww, there it is!” he playfully intoned and then kissed her briefly on the cheek. I felt a smile creeping up to my droopy eyes at his unabashed display of affection.

Next, he pulled a soft blanket out of the car.

By this time, the mother had positioned the stroller and was placing a few things into the large pocket behind the seat.

The boy painstakingly sat the baby into the carriage and clasped the buckle.

After gently tucking the pink blanket in around her, he added, “There you go Angel.”

Once the task was complete, his mom pivoted the stroller and began pushing it towards the crosswalk.

“Mama,” he called after her, “Did you want to lock the car?”

“Yes,” she nodded her head and continued on her way.

He hurried to the passenger door and opened it. I heard the lock click.

“Espera!” he called and skipped happily after her.

Now I will tell you the rest of the story.

I eavesdropped on an entire conversation in Spanish and recognized only that last word. (No hablo español.) However, as I watched this little boy showing respect for his mother and devotion to his little sister, I didn’t need an interpreter.

His actions touched me, and my heart understood.


Anonymous said…
Mucho gusto.

That was the sweetest thing EVER.
Susie said…
The language of love is indeed universal. This was sweet beyond words!!
Tammy said…
Oh, it is amazing what the voice and gesture can give away! How touching that this big brother cared so much for his baby sister and was such a great help to his mother...to see that in any language in these days does the heart good!
You wrote this so well...what a very sweet story!
Anonymous said…
Oh, what a beautiful story!!

My youngest nephew is 10, and he ADORES my little angel Bethany!! He'll hold her and feed her and cuddle her and say things like, "Bethany's AWESOME!!"

She returns his affection. The first time she ever initiated a kiss to anyone was to sweet nephew Stuart.
Sunrunner said…
That is beautiful. If only everyone could be that nice to each other.
Anonymous said…
Perhaps the most touching thing I'll read all day, maybe all week...:)
DesLily said…
that was worth staying in the car for.. that mother sure was doing more then one thing right!
Anonymous said…
I just LOVE when older siblings take care of and dote on their younger siblings like that. And even though you couldn't understand the actual words being spoken, it is so obvious that you "got" the love, respect and compassion in that little boy.

And you said it all so beautifully!

Thank you for this wonderful post!
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela, Thank you for sharing this lovely story, on the little boys love for his sister,
Kelly Curtis said…
What a beautiful story. I normally just read you on Bloglines, but I had to click in for this one.

If that isn't an example of passing the torch, I don't know what is. A great way to start my day. Gracias!
Anonymous said…
Oh wow what a beautiful and touching story. Thank you so much for sharing. I haven't been around in a while and so glad I picked today to get back into reading my blogs. What a blessing it was reading that story!!
BarnGoddess said…
this story made my day!

I was frustrated and feeling the crabbiness creeping in until I stopped by here.

very heartwarming, the mother is obviously doing something right by her children!

This is refreshing, especially from all the bad we hear about in the world today.
Jodi said…
You did it again, Pamela! I'm now heading into the restroom for a mascara check!! ;-)
Claudia said…
that is so sweet!! as I read it, I couldn't help thinking what a good daddy he'll make someday!
Anonymous said…
you told this story just perfect.

Well done my friend. Well done.
Gracious. Yo no hablo espanol.... You have told the story beautifly and painted such a picture with your words. I sit here smiling happily at the images I see in my mind. Thank you!
ChrisB said…
A lovely little story I'm so glad you shared it with us.
tlawwife said…
What a nice experience you shared.
Whippersnapper said…
Beautiful story... and I'm now wishing I'd spaced my kids eleven years apart...
Biker Betty said…
Thank you for sharing that. I know there are great kids out there and it's nice to hear about them. My two are pretty great, but I'm not sure they'd be as great as the boy you just talked about.
Ingrid said…
I have noticed that too the more South I go in Europe the more boys show respect against their mum !
Peter said…
Why the hell can't you read this sort of story in the newspapers instead of the constant flow of crime and hate.
Amanda said…
Es un cosa muy bonita, amor. Es el mismo de cadas idiomas. Es un beso entre un ninito y su hermanita. Que precioso. Gracias, Mama, por la conseja.
Anonymous said…
What a sweet child! Those parents are definitely doing something right with the way they are raising him. The world needs more people like that (especially on my flights!).
Anonymous said…
Stories like that give me hope for the future. My oldest son was 9 when his baby sister was born, and he was so tender with her, so loving and careful. Your intepretation of what that boy was saying is probably pretty accurate. Thank you for putting a smile on my face!
Hayden said…
just lovely. thanks for sharing it.
M@ said…
Which reminds me that I owe my little sister a Christmas present....
What an amazing little boy, a terrific big brother... and a beautiful story, to boot.
katy said…
that is so sweet, its nice to see/hear about the nice things in life
Bibi said…
That's heartwarming. Actions do speak louder than words.
C... said…
That's a little gentleman in the making. What a little golden heart he has.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful post!! Mucho gracias!!
Anonymous said…
I love it!! thank you for the smiles;)
Dear pamela. What a lovely story. Lucky you, getting to eavesdrop on such a nice slice of life.
CyberCelt said…
I loved this story. I have noticed the love of family in the Mexican culture in Texas.
Hopeful Spirit said…

That's a beautiful story. I can see it all in my head.
Anonymous said…
Aww Pamela. I think that boy will grow up to be a fine man. Either that or a great babysitter.
AngelConradie said…
aaawwww... gives one a wee bit of hope for this world of ours!
What a fantastic share! I love reading uplifting stuff like this and I think you nailed what would have been said point on.


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