Curly Mop and the Hummers

Curly Mop and Amanda came for Mothers Day - and we drove 15 miles up to a the house of a friend who has the hummingbird summer destination.

I messed up the camera by accidentally setting the red-eye assist, thereby missing many wonderful pictures.

What you don't get to see:

Curly Mop's mouth and eyes wide open in complete surprise when the first hummers brushed past her cheeks and the breeze from their wings bounced the wispy curls around her face.

Several little hummers getting up close and personal with the hubby's sister. She was dressed in a bright striped shirt and sparkling earrings that attracted them. I think they were even fighting over her.

One nearly getting tangled in Amanda's hair when she placed her hands across the corner feeder.

The Hubby and Curly Mop surrounded by eight or nine at once.

Me swearing at the camera because I was frustrated with the delayed action, whereby the hubby finally took a look at the control functions.

What you will get to see :

Rufous landing on Amanda's finger.

Two Caliope on mine.


Beccy said…
I'll start by admitting that I know nothing about birds.

I didn't realise hummingbirds were so small.
willowtree said…
What an amazing experience! We don't see hummingbirds here, but when I lived in Ca I got pretty close to them a few times.

I was wondering about Amanda just the other day, she's gone even quieter than usual.
DesLily said…
Fantastic hummingbird shots!!! How neat they tolerate you being right there let alone land on a finger!!!!
Ian said…
Yeah, I'm with Willowtree on this one. I've been wondering how Amanda was. Some of us only have blogs to keep track of people we've met online, and when those blogs go by the wayside, all we can do is wonder...

Peter said…
Nice pics Pamela, pity about the ones that got away.
Anonymous said…
Very cool - I wish the birds that came to my house were so brave - they are startled too easily - maybe its because there aren't enough to go around.
Susie said…
Your hummers are braver than ours! We do have them year round, but I'll have to experiment a bit with some bright clothes and baubles to lure them close to me!!
Tiggerlane said…
Amazingly brazen little fellers! My uncle has several of these feeders, and there are some very aggressive hummers that visit - I can't imagine getting close without getting stabbed!
Katie McKenna said…
I love hummingbirds! They simply amaze me!
Anonymous said…
Wow!! I've never seen hummers that brave!!

Hey, are you planning on renewing your vows soon? I had a dream last night that you were, and you were outside near the ocean...

Yeah, dreams are funny...

Just thought I'd let ya know.
Elizabeth Joy said…
I wanna come try. And we'd make sure the camera was working before I got close to the hummers. We don't have any feeders set up here. It gets too hot and windy.
Mercy's Maid said…
Is that green hummingbird water? I've never seen green hummingbird water. I'm amazed at how "tame" they seem. Ours are very flighty. :)
ChrisB said…
Oh they are such sweet little birds, it's amazing to see they are not at all afraid.
Anonymous said…
That is amazing! Our hummingbirds are quite skittish and never let anyone near. I'm impressed and awed at your Hummer taming skills.
Anonymous said…
Wow! What great hummingbird shots! The ones I have been around are way too skittish. That is awesome that you could get so close.

This is the second post I have read today on Hummingbirds. :)

Now you have to go to
and scroll to her Wordless Wednesday post. There you will find a shirtless fireman. :) I know how you like them. ;)
Masago said…
Delightful. Thanks for the descriptions of those that didn't get taken.
Susie Q said…
Your descriptions are wonderful but the photos you did get were amazing! Thank you for sharing is not easy to catch a hummimgbird!! : )
Little Curly Top is a doll...
You curse at your camera? Me too...ohg the things I say to it. It is a surprise it does not go on strike and refuse to do a thing for me.

Pamela said…
Beccy = hummingbirds come in many sizes. The caliope is one of the smallest.

WT - yeah. she's been quiet.

Des: They are just arriving from their migration. Hungry, Fighting for the females, and pretty much not paying attention to anyone in the way.

Ian: I hope she'll post soon

Peter: I'm going back and wearing jewels and bright red and taking care with the camera

Kar: I haven't figured out why mine are skittish, too

Susie: Let me know what happens. You have some different varieties in your area.

Katie Mc: I can never get enough watching them

Stephanie: we are planning a trip to the Ocean in June with Karmyn & Amanda. Maybe the old man will dazzle me with a kiss on the beach.

Elizabeth. Call me and I'll give you directions

Mercy's Maid. My friend has about 15 feeders. She puts a wee bit of natural color in so that she can see from the window if a feeder is empty.

ChrisB. actually they are mean and nasty little buggers. They sword fight with their beaks and dive bomb each other. I had one dive bomb me in my flowers one day while weeding.

Mark: Not my skills -- I think 20 years of bribing them by my friend who lives in the foothills of the mountains. She has about 150 of them swarming around on some evenings in May & June. Then the boys take off. Leave the little females to raise the chicks.

Julie: Checking out sunnbrooke in a minute

Masago: Especially the swearing part.. ha ha ha ha

Susie Q: Apparently a few cats catch hummers every year. I've seen it happen and it breaks my heart
Dear pamela. I've always wanted to see a hummingbird, I really just can't believe that they move their wings so quickly!
Amanda said…
It's always fun to drive up there and see the birds. Curly Mop loved it, after she warmed up.

Thanks for the great weekend.
And I suppose I ought to post something....

Sorry Ian and WT. I'll do it this afternoon. :)
Walker said…
I put my feeders out late and I don't think I'll have any this year. :-(
Anonymous said…
ahh how cool...

sweet pics!!
Biker Betty said…
That sounds like a wonderful place. I alway thought hummers were too skiddish to get that close to people, let alone land on a finger, WOW!!!

Sadly we don't see many hummers where I live. I put out a hummingbird feeder and all it attracted were ants, aughhh!!
BarnGoddess said…
oh pamela! your photos are wonderful. I know nothing about birds but I have always personally thought hummingbirds as one of the most elusive creatures on earth.
AngelConradie said…
oh my word- those pictures are gorgeous! i would love to be able to see something like that for real!

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