What happened the day you were born?

Sinister Plot. To find out how old I am. I almost fell for it.

Jill over at Lil Mouse
is the Fun Monday host this week.

She wants to know what happened on the day you were born.


Well... my Internet search for information wasn't a complete failure. There just wasn't anything more interesting than the fact that I was born that day.

What day, you ask? Aha!



Sandy said…
I am a Thursday baby, also! I just can never remember the poem that tells me if it's good or bad. You know, Monday's child is......
Beckie said…
Ha - nothing much happened the day I was born.

It snowed that day.
Come on Pam... how old? It snowed the day I was born in July but the weather it was fine.
illahee said…
i was born on thursday, too! so was my first born, as well as my second born...i see a trend!
Kim said…
Here, I'll go first. On the day I was born, American forces began Operation Cedar Falls and Elvis had a birthday. I'd bet you can get the complete date with those. I was a Sunday baby.

Come on, aren't you gonna share?
Anonymous said…
Monday's child is full of grace,
Tuesday's child is fair of face,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day is bonny and blithe and good and gay.
Junebug said…
I was born on a Sunday, so bonny and blithe and good and gay is me! Except probably not that gay except in the context of happy! :D
Junebug said…
My children were all three born on Tuesday.
Gattina said…
For me this theme was even worse, I was born in the middle of WW II and besides bombs on Frankfurt where I was born, nothing happened. Not a very funny monday theme. I show the big movie studio in the south of Morocco instead.
If you want to see some more pictures of the beautiful Sahara desert I took pictures during our excursion with jeep and camel to watch a sunset. It's here http://gattinatravels.blogspot.com/
Mariposa said…
This week theme was a bit challenging for me...and well you did find out it was a Thursday!

And they have to add your birthday in the list of events for that day... ;)
DesLily said…
I was born on a Friday... a long, long LONG time ago!
jill said…
I never really thought about it revealing age, I guess everyone reads something differently, now don't they.. hm...I hope it was fun anyway, my husband wanted me to do one on vacations, but we'd just done something similar, so I figured people would be huffy if I did.. this is certainly a little more out there than most times we do it. I still think the dream one was more fun!
Jill said…
thanks for playing!
Janis said…
The only interesting thing I could find was..Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangeled Banner our national anthem on Sept 14 in the 1800's, sometimes I feel like i was born in that year! LOL. I think I was born on a tuesday!
ChrisB said…
There was nothing interesting on my actual birthday but I found a few historical things for the month and day.
Sayre said…
I am starting to wonder... how come nothing interesting is happening on anyone's birthday? History happens every day, so SOMETHING must have happened, right?

My mom has my baby book and it sounds like a great one. She put pictures of fashions and the front page of the newspaper in it. But we don't know where it is at the moment.

And since I couldn't come up with anything on my specific day - I made a day up for my parents!
Faye said…
First, I love your new mug shot, Pamela. How cute you are with that big sparkley smile. Although, I always thought the other one of you snuggling a grandbaby was really sweet. And, try as she might, LilMouse couldn't trick you into revealing anything about age, could she? We get older and smarter.

I need to get back in the Fun Monday groove, but I do have something posted that you might find mindly interesting as a reading buff. Stop by if you have a minute.
Your admonition that a woman who'll reveal her age or weight will reveal anything is a huge part of the reason I don't reveal my age: it would suck to not be trusted! And I'm a nurse! And an old new mommy!

Love the poem Anonymous posted.

I am Friday's child.
Rurality said…
Ha, sneaky! :)

I like your new profile pic. (You may have had it for a while and I just now noticed LOL.)
Unknown said…
you are clever! I don't know what happened when I was born - I think the earth stood still. ;0)
darkfoam said…
i'm also a thursday's child ..
which has far to go ..
let's see ..
what happened on the day i was born ..
oh yes, other children were also born ..
as unbelievable as that sounds ..
Kila said…
Just looked it up. I was born on a Wednesday ;) Nothing much happened that day, either.
Mozi Esme said…
Very. Smart. Answer. You must be very wise and mature! :)
Peter said…
It obviously wasn't the same day that I was born or we would have had to argue over the most interesting event.
Desert Songbird said…
All I know is that I was born on a Sunday evening. My sisters were watching The Wonderful World of Disney. How prophetic - my life has been somewhat comedic.
Dear pamela. Well, it's wonderful that the most interesting thing that happened on the day you were born, was that you were born! There's nothing quite as special as a new human life.
LadyStyx said…
I'm a Sunday child and well....ok I got ONE outta the 4 right!
Unknown said…
I was stunned to find out - when I looked it up - that over half of the US population was under 25 years old when I was born!
dawn said…
So, they didn't keep records back then ;-) .
Wendster said…
I believe I was born on a Sunday.

My Mom says I was born shortly after JFK was assassinated.



And now you know how old I am. :)

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