Winter’s Artist

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Freezing Fog.  Hoar Frost. Weather Inversion.  Yes to all.  No to the Moon Eclipse.  Hidden.   Weather wants to make us all stir crazy and S.A.D.  Instead, I’m shouting that there is beauty – even in the icy barbs on neighbor Bills old tomato cages.
Winter’s artist decorated our day for the season.


Sayre said…
Those are just so beautiful! I especially love the fence tops.
Jan n Jer said…
So stunning to look at but no fun to go out in! Mother nature is so creative! Great shots!
Steve Skinner said…
Outstanding images!
Jan said…
These are so beautiful. We don't see anything like this, around here. Thanks for braving the elements.
Just beautiful.... it reminds us there are some blessings for this cold, cold weather.
You got some great photos! Frost makes the whole world look artsy! :)
Kila said…
These photos make me shiver, but they are beautiful!
Intense Guy said…

You got some "really cool" photos!

I like the fence post tops too - frost or not - they are pretty elegant!
JoeinVegas said…
Pretty (as long as I'm not out there freezing)
Living Life said…
Those photos are so arty! That is neat that you were able to catch the frost before it melted away!!
grammy said…
The pictures are beautiful... but I so understand the SAD... cold grayness can get you wonder our fellow seniors go to Florida (o:
Beautiful pictures!

Now make it go away for a couple days. We are headed over to get KT tomorrow and I'd like it warm please!
darkfoam said…
These are so beautiful. I love your closeups. They create cool abstract designs.
kailani said…
I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that. Those photos are amazing! The wonders of Nature.
I have to confess (ya know they say it's good for the soul) I still kinda blush when I call it Hoar Frost!!!

It is quite beautiful and you've captured it just magnificently sweetie!

God bless ya and have a marvelous day!!! :o)
Ms. Kathleen said…
The frost is beautiful! Stay warm and cozy with a hot toddy! Merry Christmas!
Peter said…
Beautiful photos... yje weather, not so much. Merry Christmas.
Peter said…
yje weather even affects my typing.
bichonpawz said…
Hi Pamela! Just stopping over to say Merry Christmas!!
darkfoam said…
These are beautiful! And I thought I left a comment on here a while ago. I guess not, huh?
Anyway, hope you had a wonderful christmas with family and here's to a good new year!
mark said…
Those are beautiful, Pamela! Sorry I missed the, until now. Weeks away from blogging has left me with a lot of catch up!
carmilevy said…
Mother Nature is such an inspiring artist. Then again, so are you for capturing these creations with such grace!

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