Ready for a New Year

Clockwise from left.... Mizelle, Sweet Evalina, Red, Dinkum Devo, and Zbub!

We are ready.  I bought some crafty stuff and we cut out crowns and decorated them so we could all be royalty as we welcomed in the New Year.  We have snotty noses, coughs, aches and pains, and even a pinched finger in the door (the 2 1/2 year old.)  But we welcome good things that we know are heading our way.

God Bless Everyone in 2012.

Goodbye 2011.  I'm not sorry to see you go.



Faye said…
Yep! 2011 could have been better, but we made it, didn't we? I've been trying to decide if Mucinex and champagne go well together?

All the best to you and yours in 2012, Pamela.
Janis said…
Happy New Year to you n yours Pamela...May 2012 be good to you all! The grands are so cute! I know you will enjoy them helping you bring in the new year!
Steve Skinner said…
Best wishes for a very happy and healthy New Year.
Happy New Year Pamela..I hope you and all of your royalty have a great year! :)
Sayre said…
Happy 2012! I can see you guys know how to celebrate RIGHT!
Peter said…
Like you I'm not sorry to see the end of 2011, hope 2012 is much better.
Love the animated stick figure!!
Living Life said…
Happy New Year to you Pamela! My how those kids are growing! So glad you are capturing these moments in photos.
kailani said…
What a great photo . . . a adorable crowns! Hope you and your family had a wonderful celebration . . . minus the pinched finger. Ouch!
Intense Guy said…
Happy 2012!!!

I too, am not at all sorry to see the end of 2011! And I too have a head cold. I just need a handmade crown to join your precious-looking crowd!
mark said…
Happy New Year to you and the family! 2012 is going to be a much better year than 2011. Nice crowns!
grammy said…
Great to see the kids and how they have grown. I just wish the time would slow down a bit!
What a royal lookin' bunch you are. Girl, your blessed.

You have yourself on spectacular year too and I hope ya'll are all healed up by now sweeite.

God bless ya!!! :o)

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